Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Dictionary of strange sounding American words... (written for Alex!)

Have you ever noticed, when bumping into your average American, that their version of English is very much different to ours? Well worry no more! Here is a small dictionary of English to American words, for your pleasure! If you come up with any yourself, don't hesitate to contact me through MSN (the same pronunciation American or English).

1. Lever - English: Lee-verr American: Lev-er
2. Alluminium - English: Al-you-min-nee-um American: Al-looo-min-umm
3. Tube - English: T-you-buh American: T-ooooo-buh
4. Tomato - English: Tom-aah-toe American: Tom-aay-toe
5. Blog - English: Bl-og American: Bl-arh-g
6. Taps - Englsih: Taps American: faucets. (How very strange)

That's all for now I'm afraid Folks!

Sunday, 2 September 2007


What a funny word... one with so many meanings... one with so many tales to tell, lies to sell... a word that breaks a thousand hearts, whilst completing a billion others... Love... the one thing we are all searching for... but do we know what we're truly looking for... No... not until you find it... "I'm not Lost any more... I stopped looking for what I was trying to find."... It's true to say that if you never look, you will always find... find what is true... Love... what a funny little word.