15 things that I love.
The sound of breathing in a song.
Letting just enough air out under the water in De La Salle pool so that I'm suspended like a puppet, not sinking, not floating to the top... It feels like I'm flying.
Marina's hugs. No one else's, just hers.
Helen's Gingerness, and the way she denies it.
Kissing someone I love.
Closing my eyes and listening, feeling Danny Elfman's music.
That little extra squeeze someone gives you when they're holding your hand, saying, I'm here, always have been, always will be.
My ma's apple crumble.
Hey there, Freckles.
The way Patch (my cat) used to only climb the stairs to my bedroom when he some how knew I was ill and needed a hug.
The sheer heart attack excitement I get when I hear something about Queen, when I hear their music, when I buy one of their Live DVDs and get as excited and breathless as I would be if I were really there watching.
The sound of an orchestra.
The way Jamie stares.
The sound of breathing in a song.
Letting just enough air out under the water in De La Salle pool so that I'm suspended like a puppet, not sinking, not floating to the top... It feels like I'm flying.
Marina's hugs. No one else's, just hers.
Helen's Gingerness, and the way she denies it.
Kissing someone I love.
Closing my eyes and listening, feeling Danny Elfman's music.
That little extra squeeze someone gives you when they're holding your hand, saying, I'm here, always have been, always will be.
My ma's apple crumble.
Hey there, Freckles.
The way Patch (my cat) used to only climb the stairs to my bedroom when he some how knew I was ill and needed a hug.
The sheer heart attack excitement I get when I hear something about Queen, when I hear their music, when I buy one of their Live DVDs and get as excited and breathless as I would be if I were really there watching.
The sound of an orchestra.
The way Jamie stares.