Thursday, 29 May 2008
Miracle Elixir

Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Axl Rose, Rain And A Grand Piano.
So, many of you have taken my "how well do you know me" test on my myspace. And when I put, what is my favourite song, the answer is in fact Ice Dance. But maybe the constant battle in my head is now leaning over to November Rain as being my favourite song of all time. The lyrics mean so much to me. It's a hard song to sing, but I can actually sing it... I guess because I mean it and love it so much. Hopefully one day I'll get the chance to sing it in front of a crowd. I wish I could write a song like this one. One that'll mean something to someone else as much as this one means to me. I don't think I'll ever tire of playing it, humming it, singing it, listening to it. Ever. So if you ever have the chance, on a rainy day, or when you need something great to listen to, youtube this song.
When I look into your eyes
I can see a love restrained
But darlin' when I hold you
Don't you know I feel the same
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain
We've been through this such a long long time
Just tryin' to kill the pain
But lovers always come and lovers always go
And no one's really sure who's lettin' go today
Walking away
When you take the time to lay it on the line
I could rest my head
Just knowin' that you were mine
All mine
So if you want to love me
Then darlin' don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walkin'
In the cold November rain
Do you need some time...on your own
Do you need some time...all alone
Everybody needs some time...on their own
Don't you know you need some time...all alone
I know it's hard to keep an open heart
When even friends seem out to harm you
But if you could heal a broken heart
Wouldn't time be out to charm you
Sometimes I need some time...on my own
Sometimes I need some time...all alone
Everybody needs some time...on their own
Don't you know you need some time...all alone
And when your fears subside
And shadows still remain, ohhh yeahhh
I know that you can love me
When there's no one left to blame
So never mind the darkness
We still can find a way
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
Even cold November rain
Monday, 26 May 2008
Come On, Brothers, Lets Go Down.
But they never actually listen to what music moves me. The music I truly love.
I have film soundtracks from Bernard Herrmann's Psycho, to Danny Elfman's Pee-Wee's Big Adventures, from Williams' Jaws to Marianelli's Attonement, from John Ottman's take on Superman Returns to Patrick Doyle's turn at Harry Potter. I've got Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, to Queen's Live at Wembley to Brian Eno's Music for Airports.

I was listening to a track from the film "O Brother, Where art thou?" that I'm borrowing. The track is called "Down to the river to pray". The first time I heard the song, I got goose bumps all down my arms and spine. Just the amount of voices singing out that song, together, sounding like they mean every word.
At a Smokin' Vincents rehearsal, Ross asked us which on of the senses we'd be ok with losing. He said hearing. My chin dropped to the floor. He'd rather go deaf than blind. If I went deaf, I honestly don't think I could keep myself living. I know that sounds stupid, or selfish, or what ever. But music is honestly my life. If I couldn't hear, listen, anymore, I don't actually think I would be me any more. I wouldn't be able to play my piano, I wouldn't be able to hear the sound of an orchestra anymore. I wouldn't be able to hear your voice anymore. I always said that there's only a few people that actually listen to the music when they go to see a film. To them, the music is just there. Well, to me, the music is the most important part of the film. I was doing what we do in class whilst I was watching Indiana Jones last night for god's sake. "hmm, interesting that we haven't yet heard the main theme..." I then turned to Marina after those few notes that tell you that that's Jones' shadow and said
Starting with some jingoistic quotes, onto quotes from poems that show the brim of what the "great" war must have been like. "The old lie: It is sweet and right to die for your country."
Shakespeare’s Henry V (c. 1599)
St. Crispin’s Day Speech:
“The fewer men, the greater share of honour…”
We would not die in that man’s company
That fears his fellowship to die with us.”
Rupert Brooke
Peace: (1914)
“And caught our youth, and weakened us from sleeping…”
“To turn, as swimmers into cleanness leaping…”
“Glad from a world grown cold and weary…”
“Nothing to shake the laughing heart’s long peace…”
“…and the enemy is but Death.”
The Soldier: (Pre Somme)
“If I should die, this only this of me…”
“Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam…”
In hearts at peace, under and English heaven.”
Jessie Pope
The Call:
"Who's for the trench -
Are you, my laddie?"
Who'll earn the Empire's thanks - "
"Will you, my laddie?"
Sir Henry Newbolt (1862 – 1938)
Vitai Lampada (They pass on the torch of life.)
“An hour to play and the last man in”
“Play up! Play up! And play the game!”
Siegfried Sassoon
They (1917)
“‘They will not be the same; for they’ll have fought’”
“‘On Anti-Christ; their comrades’ blood has bought… honourable race…”
A Soldier’s Declaration (July 1917)
“I am a soldier, convinced I am acting on behalf of soldiers.”
“…I may help to destroy the callous complacence… majority at home… have not sufficient imagination to realize.”
Wilfred Owen
Dulce Et Decorum Est (1917 written in Craiglockheart)
“bent double, like old beggars under sacks…”
“GAS! Gas! Quick, boys! An ecstasy of fumbling…”
“In all my dreams before my helpless sight,
He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.”
“The old lie: Dulce et dcorum est
Pro patria mori.
Anthem For Doomed Youth (1917 written in Craiglockheart)
“What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?”
“Only the stuttering rifles’ rapid rattle.”
Sunday, 25 May 2008
Smile! (you'll live longer)

Saturday, 24 May 2008
Class of 2008

Sunshine Days
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Zip Tour

The Twenty Minute Hug.
On a better note, we got people talking - apparently a whole class were being entertained by the hug, but more importantly, we got some people smiling. So what the hell is so wrong with a hug that makes people smile and perhaps ultimately makes them feel a little better or happier, even for a second? Does it really matter how long a damn hug lasts for? It only lasted that long because the sun was shining and we couldn't be bothered to move, having normal conversation and "lets see how long we can hug for and see people's reactions".
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Monday, 19 May 2008
Marina's Lighter and The Blessing of a Fairy God Father.
The smell of rum and fire and ash... Whispering loudly in my ears... The rooms are glistening red... My face is stained black and wet... I can hardly breathe from what feels like my soul being ripped from my chest... My throat has constricted I can hardly scream anymore... My eyes are scratching the inside of my skull as my body pleas to shut down...
But finally, the words scratched out in the soot of a thousand screams and cries for help read
One Inch
The first one is that I held a British record for my age group (I was 13) in 400m Individual Medley, long course. And I don't think any one knows it. But I was in an early heat (which means I was one of the slowest) and I raced my way into that final at the National Championships in lane 4 (the fastest qualifier) with a new British Record of 5 minutes, 19.16 seconds, being a 20 second Personal Best. Sure, I only held the record for four hours (I got whipped in the final, but still went two seconds quicker, time of 5.17.54), but I still held it... No one expected it, and the glory was great.
I dislocated two vertebraes in my spine on the first 100m turn of a 400m Individual Medley... and kept swimming... and won the race... with a new personal best... then got rushed to hospital... and had my spine placed back in again. Mental? Nope, just determined to NEVER EVER let those two particular girls EVER beat me in my best races. And they never did. So there.

My first crush was my primary school bully, who effectively gave me the life I have today: I've had my fair share of bullies, but looking back, I am so glad that Jamie (NOT Le Brun) took it upon himself to beat me up. Because if he hadn't I wouldn't have gone to Beaulieu. If I'd have moved school in year seven like every body else, I would have ended up at JCG. And that would have SUCKED. That means that the probability of me being a musician would have been zilch. I would never have met my best friends, my teachers, pretty much all the people who I've grown to love (bar my family, cuz I knew and loved them already obviously).
I find it physically sickeningly impossible to sit on the left-hand side of my sofa. So if you ever see me on that side of the sofa, you know I'm having a hard time. I'm absolutely petrified of the dark and I hate the smell of flowers. I hate the sun and love the snow. I talk to posters and they talk back. Oh, and I'm also convinced I can fly. So maybe this last point was a few points, but oh well.
Some things I bet you didn't know about me.
In The Studio
As I look around, I'm surrounded by posters that used to talk to me when I was feeling a little bit lonely. Spider man has a beard and my 18th JEP picture of me with my grand dad's hat on when I was about four years old is to my left. On my right lives Duck Vader and a little model of the motor bike I'm determined to drive myself in the future. Above these monuments of the genius' brain is a poster of the Incredibles, Jack Black and the South Park version of Mr. S that a past student stuck there (I think). Behind me was the station I poured my soul out to, when I composed the Pin Cushion Queen. In front of that station was a poster of the might Queen, Freddie winking down at me. There's even a scattering of posters on the ceiling that comfort when you're feeling a little sleepy. This little room is littered with guitars and keyboards, macs and bike jackets. There's even a crate filled with old CD cases that we throw away. There's drum sticks and pen drives, miracles and oranges. There's the big watch on the wall that tells the right time twice a day. There's even a Taz outfit. Right in front of me are four post it notes. The one on the left reads this:
- Hope
- Education
- Friends
- Family
- Understanding
- Hope.
I can't even begin to describe how I'm feeling about leaving school. The place, the people. I don't think there's words to match. The thought of leaving all this behind, the jealousy of someone else spending all their time down here and not being able to myself... but, onto new horizons. All the laughs, talent, music, compositions, posters, drummers, tears, Christmas parties, morning doors, experience, Smokin' Vincents, hic-ups and burps, that fart that followed him in, the acoustic guitar head banger, guitar lessons, tutus and ties, the keyboards that are so damn small it's impossible to get down an idea quick enough... that damn fart machine, connecting an output to an output... so many memories, feelings, good times, hard times, safe...
All I can really do now is thank you, everyone, everything, that made that room my home. I'm gonna miss it all beyond words.
Sunday, 18 May 2008
I'm gonna do a Marina on you and ask you to carry this blog on with what song you'd call yours, or theirs, or what song reminds you of a particular person. So here's my list of songs and people.
Mine and Marina's song has gotta be Under Pressure. It was the first time that we both sang at the top of our lungs out my car windows last year, and we've sung ever since. Either that or Danny Elfman's "To Die For: Suzie's Theme". And she knows why! And obviously The Can Can. That'll always be Marina's song. But then there's also Estranged! There's so many songs that remind me of her! I'll never get away =P
Tuxedo Junction reminds me of Mr. Saunter. I think that when ever I hear that song in the future, even in the back ground, I'm gonna smile to myself, stand up and start dancing, no matter where I am.
A song that reminds me of Cecil is Shakira's "Hips Don't Lie". The way she belly dances to that song is jaw dropping. She's totally amazing at it and I can only hope to wiggle my finger as well as she can wiggle that ass.
A song that will always remind me of Methini is the "I'm A Spring Chicken" song (or any Indian song of course) But yup, chick chick, cluck cluck. (Only she will get this...)
A Tori song would have to be "The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers". That song matches her personality so well, and when ever I hear this song, I will always be reminded of the bouncy girl that raced me unintentionally up to physics lessons. lol
An Alex song is one we made up. "Two days are better than one"... And of course any song that has the word sunshine in it.
A song that reminds me of Helen is "Jack Sparrow" by Hanz Zimmer (frame). That composition tickles me so much, and I'll always be reminded of the drunken, hilarious nature of Helen.
The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow will always remind me of Claire, and make me laugh, because of the pain we both went through for that bloody play and how when any body sings it now, we jump on them to shut them up.
Any Rave song will remind me of Louise, because of our Silent Rave in the common room not long after she had settled in our group. She fitted perfectly.
A song that will always remind me of Thomas is "The Power of Love" (the version from Back to the Future). I can't really explain why, but it just does! lol
The Wheels on the Bus is Big Dave's song, because that's where I met him, on the bus. And I'm so glad I did meet him =)
For Rossopopollinni, I'd say Black Knight, because that's the song he did for his AS course work, and a time where I really really started to admire his raw talent as a drummer.
Aunty Cooper's song would be "We're the monkeys". It just totally suits her, and it makes me laugh, cuz I've seen that side of her that not many have had the pleasure of seeing.
Summer of 69 reminds me of Louisa. It was one of the nicest moments I've ever had with her, when we went down to the church one lunch to practice.
A song that reminds me of my dad is "I feel it my fingers" by wet wet wet, because he used to sing it to me when I was little to get me to sleep.
My mum's song would be Cyndi Lauper's Sally's Pigeons, because it's her favourite song in the world, and I can tell how much she feels it, which is quite rare to see in my mum.
My brother's song woul either be "Lost in France" (I HATE the song, and he loves to torment me with it) or Thomas The Tank Engine. He makes me laugh that boy, and I wouldn't trade him for any other brother =)
Lyle's song would be the Lost theme tune, or something completely robotic.
Sarah Jane's song would be Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better. That was my moto when we were swimming. (mean, but oh well)
Mine and Roger's song is November Rain.
Chapstick Girl

I’m feeling through my lungs and not my touch
I’m breathing in the water not the sun
I’m swimming through the jelly not the cigarettes
That we smoked last night for fun.
My chapstick girl
Forever, always, love
You popped up when my soul
Was getting cracked and dry
I’m jumping in the sea in my whole uniform
I’m going to a dusty church to sing out loud
I’m listening to my heart and not my head
I’m flying high not walking on the ground
That used to tie us down.
My chapstick girl
Forever, always, love
You popped up when my soul
Was getting cracked and dry
I’m whispering instead of acting out
I’m holding hands instead of stepping back
I’m tasting sugar now instead of salt
I’m running faster now than before
You showed me how to laugh.
My chapstick girl
Forever, always, love
Was getting cracked and dry
Should I? Should I Not?
This post will be the five things (marina's blog) about me that perhaps a few people know, perhaps no one knows, or perhaps have forgotten.
This is a warning.
If you don't like the truth, or get upset, or angry, or what ever, easily... DON'T read it. Delete my blog and never visit the page again.
I have already written the post, but at this moment in time, I'm not quite brave enough, or stupid enough to post it.
So give me two days.
If you know what I'm talking about and think I would be an idiot to publish it on the web, then please tell me before the two days are up.
But in a way, I think me posting it, would be my way of finally letting go... because within the last few days, I've slowly started to realise that none of what was said will come true, none of what was done was my fault, and none of what I see is real.
Perhaps this blog is all I need to show that fact.
Or perhaps not.
Saturday, 17 May 2008
Soaked again!
(When not writing this blog, I'm out there in it, right now, dancing and singing)
Alex Sunshine (to be read in an American accent)
So much cooler than you!
You better believe it cuz it's true!
Like we totally rock!
All of your lame-ass socks!
You might think that you're cool!
But, my dears, you're really not!
(But like, we don't tell her that, right?!)
Have You Ever Seen The Rain Coming Down On A Sunshine Day?

The sun is shining as the grey clouds swirl past, red dye running down my neck and staining my shirt... All I can hear is my breathing.
Friday, 16 May 2008
Go Go Power Rangers.
Thursday, 15 May 2008
"Mental she is." Funny that on a day where I talk about what it is to be "mad" I get called crazy / mad / mental about four times by five different people, including my parents, friends and my piano teacher. But what is it to be mental? Or normal for that matter! Wrong wiring? Or just the 'odd-job' who just has that little more willing to have fun and not give a **** what others think of them... Don't like it? Then bloody well lump it.

Do I label myself? I try not to, and I hope I don't, but I am the way I am, put a name to it if you like, but it aint gonna change a thing. After all, a label is just a name. Sometimes I think, that if my experiences (in all aspects of my life) had not have happened, then maybe I wouldn't be me. And that would be terrible! (wouldn't it Alex? Coolness just wouldn't be there, and that would be totally lame-ass)
Am I Mad? Yeah, why not =)
The Definition Of Marmite.

Helen and me, me and Helen, Hell-hen and Freddie, Fred and Hell-Do-I-Love-You, Hell-Do-I-Hate-You and Bitch. How ever you look at us, we are Marmite. I love that girl to pieces, but boy do I hate her! And vice versa as we've figured out these past years.
Helen and I have been on a journey, have we not little ones? She knows just what chords to pluck to get me in the foulest moods EVER, but I've never laughed as hard with anyone else as I have with her (and at her hehehe) Ah, what would I do without her eh?
I'd never say it publicly, but boy, am I gonna miss that girl when we part ways.
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Three Miracles Make A Saint

I was in a surprisingly good mood after RS AKA WOT (Waste Of Time) and I headed down to the studio, where there was the roller coaster ride of sadness onto happiness. Miracle no 3: They've gone!
Lunch time proved to be a hyper one, even though I was so tired my eyeballs were screaming to jump out of their sockets. (like the staring girl).
I then finished with a lovely music tech lesson, that included the slight air of tension, but not enough to put me off such a great day. More greatness spread, more light can be seen.
Pussy Galore for everyone I say!
You're officially a Saint.
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
The Sea Is Just A Wetter Version Of The Skies.

Whoa. What a day. Half from the flamey depths of Hell, half from the blue skied, cloudy Heaven.
Reality check. Moving on.
2. Frequent reality checks
3. Last vestige of insight as hallucinations become “real”
Monday, 12 May 2008
Oh, Jealousy, Look At Me Now
The other day, it was my best friend's 18th birthday party. We were all around her kitchen table in high spirits, eating sushi (yum). When one of our friends shouted out something she had heard being said at a party earlier that week, about me. *wow, that hurt*. Silence. Every person in the room, I'm sure, felt that stab, knew exactly how those few words had hurt me. Badly. Very badly. It was one of those moments where I just felt like the ground should eat me up, there and then.
The wave of hurt, turning into panic, turning into anger at the person who had origonally said these few words, was tremendous. I managed to control myself, it was my best friend's party after all, and I wasn't going to let a comment like that ruin the evening for her. We had a great time that night, making sure I gave myself temporary amnesia. (on a note, it wasn't my friend who said it at the other party, it was someone else, who possesses two faces.)
I'm not going to say the person's name, or in fact what they said that has hurt me so much. Because it struck me just how pathetic it really is. I wasn't there to witness it being said, but I'm sure it would have been one of those moments where the comment just slid out of their mouth... but I also doubt that they regret saying it. Which, in my eyes, makes it worse. Perhaps they have more than two faces.
I saw this person the day after I was told what they had said, and I chose not to confront them. But it did amaze me how sweet and lovely they were to me.
Jealousy. That's all it comes down to really.
Sunday, 11 May 2008
Vroom Vroom!
Saturday, 10 May 2008
Yo Ho Yo Ho A Pirate's Life Fer Me

There's the kiss in the pouring rain, between Elizabeth and Will. I thought it was one of the most perfect scenes I'd ever seen in my life.

There's the unforgettable scene in which Davy Jones pours out his soul whilst playing that magnificent organ with his beard. (sounds funny when you say it like that). I though the way in which it was captured was perfect, the way Bill Nighy played the character, the way he felt that music, the emotion. Perfect.

There's Captain Jack Sparrow swimming under water. I always loved underwater swimming the most. Perfect escape.

And of course there's the scene that's called "multiple Jacks" *cough*
Last but not least, I'd love to be a Pirate (as seen in POTC). I'd get to drink rum all day, get hitched with a Captain, preferably as hot as Captain Jack. I'd get to wear stunning dresses (unfortunately I'd probably have to wear the same dress for the whole of my life, but hey) AND I'd get to have dread locks without my mum complaining and threatening to shave my head if I ever got them. I'd get to see the world, kill a few people and not get into too much trouble (not that I want to kill anyone lol), and I'd get to sail the horizon to the corners of the world., and hopefully not get hanged in the meantime. Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life Fer Me.

Do the Can-Can!
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Studio Badminton!
Aim of the game:
To make your opponent fall impressively off their wheelie-chair, making sure they land flat on their arse (trying not to make them land in expensive gear - one, because of the price, and two because you love them really).
Things to know before you begin:
1. Must be played in a music studio environment.
2. Two players, facing each other on wheelie-chairs, with their feet placed on the same wheelie bench in the middle.
3. One scrunched up CD case paper as the ball
4. Flat hand as the racket.
10 points if your opponent hits the imaginary net
15 points for each time your opponent fails to return the ball
50 points if you hit a munchkin with the ball
100 points if you hit a munchkin on the head with the ball
200 points if you hit a munchkin and manage to get the ball straight back into play (without touching the floor)
1000 points if you do the above, but hit a munchkin on the head with the ball. (Ok, so you just won the game)
I Will Try, To Fix You

Last night was an average night. I watched Skins, cried my eyes out for a couple of hours after that, finally fell asleep (thanks to that wondrous Rain, rain, rain...) at about two am, and awoke rather suddenly, sweaty, crying, shaking, terrified... luckily without screaming... about half an hour later. So now it was about three am. I thought of a Shetland pony called Keith and something along the lines of a tutu, laughed and smiled for a bit, the thoughts eased me back into sleep, and then, I began the process again, and again, and again... until, it's half six in the morning, time to get ready for school. I write a short poem, to continue the adventures. I then get showered, wash my hair, and drown under that shower, rain. I then make my lunch (if I need one) and by 7:40 on the .D.O.T. I leave for school. Yes, I have a few problems, what I've just described is just the brim of them, that's quite a good nights sleep for me. Yet, this isn't even anywhere near the problems that some others have. But it's true, that no matter how many problems we have, there's always someone out there who has it a million times worse. So there's no point in sitting there, feeling sorry for yourself. What doesn't kill us will make us stronger, and I agree with that whole heartily.
Anyway, this particular Skins episode struck a chord with me. It was about a girl, my age, who has found herself pregnant. It shows of her struggle to tell her boyfriend, who's asked her to move in with him. Towards the end of the episode, the girl returns home, to find that her boyfriend has been taken to hospital, she still hasn't told him, but he hasn't told her... it's a secret... shhh... Her story shows real frustration, want, feeling, emotion... the boy, my favourite character, has a heart problem... and that's the bit that got me. Dead.
I cried, and I cried, and I cried. Frustration, anger at myself, the want, the need to DO something, to help. This person, genius... they've helped me more than anyone in the whole world has ever been able to. I can now sleep, MUCH better than what I could, even three weeks ago. I slept without waiting for my whole family to be upstairs... light switches... something I've never done before. Miracle. Yet I'm pretty sure that I'm the one that's caused this person's heart to take a turn for the worse. Me telling them my troubles has led to them having more troubles for them self, from lack of sleep, from worry. My fault. Yet here I am, awake, from worry about them. Chain. But then, I want to worry about them. Because worrying is the first reaction to caring about someone we love, who is hurt, or upset, or not even that. I worry about my friends, all the people I love, all the time... even if I know they're okay. I just SO badly want to help that person in the ways that they've helped me. I'd fight through anything in order to mend their heart, to make it all better. Because I couldn't bear the thought of him being the one on that hospital bed, losing him... like that boy in Skins.
So it's now the 8th of May. I was scared to post this blog, because maybe I was giving myself too much credit, and it showed me how selfish I'd been in blubbing out all my problems when they've got their own to contend with. But I've learnt a lot since I wrote it. One, that friends really are everything. I don't know what I would do without them. Two, just how lucky I am. Three, how easy I had / have it compared to so many. Four, there's light at the end of the darkness and my brain is screaming for it. You're so right. I just need to convince myself whole heartily that it's true, THIS is real. And I promise you that I'm trying so hard to believe, and I WILL believe it in the end. I can't possibly describe to you just how greatful I am. Greatful's not even the right word, but thank you, a quatrillion times. For all the opportunities you've given me, for all the shoulders to cry on, for the talks, the questions, the laughs, the punch ups, the music... everything.
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Whoa, this is heavy
A wise (but not old) musical genius once told me that building a time machine would be disastrous, because everyone would travel back to the crucifixion. And this is how we know that people haven't managed to build one in the future, because we'd see all these time machines in our history.
So I guess that that disproves the existence of the time machine, or the existence of a God, Jesus. Don't worry I'm not going to blab out some raging theory as to why I don't believe there is a God, but it does make you wonder, if something as sci-fi and surreal as a time machine could prove the existence of God. I'd find it rather funny.
Talking of funny, I think I must have had one of the best days of my life today. The sun was shining, I rode my bike into school (now my knees hate me), and I started my school day. Brains, light and light switches, more sense made clear by that same genius. Yeah, I had a shitty RS lesson, but no change there, but then music was great, greater than the greatest great lesson that ever called itself great. I just giggled and laughed, laughed and giggled all the way through, I even sat on the floor and took my shoes off. hahahahahahaha! Ah, it was so wonderfully random, with punch ups and piss takes, me not being able to phrase sentences correctly AGAIN, or just generally being a philistine. But hey, I get a free bottle of rum out of it too =P
So in high spirits, after nearly shouting cock porn very loudly across school (but managing to shout pop corn instead) I walked up the steep hill to de la salle pool... got there and thought, shit. I'd left my swimming stuff in my bloody locker at school. But no matter! I legged it back to school, grabbed the stuff, legged it back up the hill (which seemed a hell of a lot steeper than before) and jumped straight into the freezing pool. *ahhhhh*
Thank you for such a perfect day.