The other day, it was such a nice day and I had nothing to do, so I went in the sea for a swim. I treaded along the coast not being able to find a parking space until I finally got to Gorey, where I luckily fitted my ikle enterprise into a squished gap lol. I put my bag really high up, then walked into the sea only to turn around and find my bag floating away! Man the tide comes up quick.
I ran out and put it the highest I could and traipsed back down to the warm water, where I floated on my back, staring at the cloudless sky for what seemed like a life time. The sound of the sea in my ears, the breath of fresh air, the smell of salt all around me. It was nice to be alone with the water for a while, even though the beach was packed.
Today I met up with Alex. It was nice (and so cool) to spend time just me and her, laughing about nothing of particular consequence and giggling in american accents. as I sipped my white hot chocolate.
I spent some time in a field today. Lying down, looking at the clouds pass by and think how lucky I am, and so many other thoughts swirling, that were previously round my head. It was a perfect moment. Warmth, beauty... wow.

I thought I might also mention that I've been reading a very funny book that I previously mentioned in a blog at some point in history. Makes me piss myself, quite literally, then tells me how to clean it up. LOL. Sitting outside enjoying the sun and relaxing has been good news to my body. I should do it more often me thinks. Going on walks and picking fresh fruit off the trees while the sun shines down has felt so good :)
I've been totally addicted to the series of The Tudors lately. I've watched the first two series on borrowed DVD. The history is really interesting, and the love and hate I feel for the King and all the other characters is great! I find myself bowing and curtseying to people, and using the polite and royal lingo in my head. I've also been feeling very religious out of it, and have a sudden urge to go to church... yes... I know. lol! So Anne has just lost her head and Princess Mary has been made legitimate once more... I'm looking forward to the next series to be on BBC again soon :)
That's about it I think. Oh, I'll mail you tomorrow, Marina. Snailmclovin :3