hmm.. I know it might sound weird, but I was in the bath, looked down, and was like, would I ever get a boob job?
My boobs aren't that big, but some people say they are, some say they're small... size in the eye of the beholder? lol
I actually considered for a minute, that I would. And then I was like, no, never. haha. I had a moment of insecurity about my body, picking out all the "flabby" bits and wondering why my boobs aren't any bigger than they are. Why do they need to be bigger? Do girls take the topic WAY out of context? Being around only guys for so long has taught me that most of them, don't actually care, and just think of their girl friends as beautiful all over. Which is nice, I think. And how it bloody well should be. Fake boobs beautiful? Naa. Boobs, just Boobs. Indeed. lol. what an awkward topic. I guess my blog is about as close as I;m gonna get to a girlie chat lol. Please reply girlies, on blogs or by comments. :)

Chopping up your skin to put fake bags inside, does not sound nice. at all. I try to wrap my brain around the issue, and wonder why girls do that to themselves.. I watched a program about girls being so insecure with their bodies that they thought that a boob job would be the only way out, the only way to make themselves. It actually made me cry, so see what these girls put themselves through for, what, a man? If that's all he cares about, then he's not worth it.
I do however, have the upmost respect for girls who know what they want, go get it, for THEM. no one else. Just themselves. Good for them I say.
Would I? Nope. Freddie boobs will stay Freddie boobs. :)
LOL. I'm gonna go to bed now haha. *cough*
Well done for a brave dive into a girlie topic there..I honestly agree. I have met so many different sorts of guys here - some you could call gentlemen, others u could call man whores, charmers (who are aka man whores putting on a gentleman's mask), shy boys, confident boys, and then there's good friends who tell you the truth about what they think and what other guys genrally take into consideration when meeting a girl. It turns out that the good, genuine guys that deserve your time don't give a monkeys about appearence. Some guys have complemented me on dressing well in a non slutty way; and how they dont actually find it attractive when girls strut around in SKY HIGH heels to accentuate their figure.
So - natural is most appealing I think but, as you said, if girls feel they need a change for their own sake of confidence or whatever be the case, then thats acceptable too.
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