Friday, 25 December 2009
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Goodbye, Nineteen.

Goodbye, nineteen.
I will miss you greatly.
A year of great sorrow.
A year of great hardships.
A year of great anger.
A year of great sadness.
...Feelings and emotions so dark and great and overwhelming I cannot describe.
A year in which I found it so hard to breathe...
I almost stopped completely.
The hardest year of my life so far. And I'm not even twenty yet.
But... this was the year,
The year, I felt alive.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Ok, so with Helen being an overworked arse, I'm gonna give her no excuse not to do the darkness challenge! So here it is, I'll give y'all till the 2nd December to send me your videos. Helen, it would not be a video with out you!! So please guys, it would be so awesome if everyone took part, I mean, imagine! what an immense video it will be! Oh, and I will actually give a prize worth between £5 and £10 (but totally awesome!) to the person who can get their parents to do it too :P haha good luck!! xxx
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Flour and Fings
Sorry it's a bit late, we didn't have any internet at all for the whole morning! Enjoy loyal Freddie Sunday goers :)
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Friday, 20 November 2009
Dream Away

Ever get a dream so good you don't want it to end?
Yet what seems like two minutes later, you've woken up and you can't get back to sleep to carry it on. Sigh.
That was me last night.
I had such a beautiful, warming, lovely dream, and I just didn't want it to end.
I guess I can hold onto it though, and when I'm sliding downhill I can think of it and remember and smile and feel a bit lighter.
It's always nice to have that happy place you can visit every so often, even if it's a bit every day.
I loved that dream, and hope I dream the same again tonight whilst floating in the clouds... <3
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Friday, 13 November 2009
So it's Friday the 13th!
make sure you keep your eye out for those 7 years worths of bad luckage! Don't go stepping on a black cats tail or breaking your mothers mirror... watch out for the headless hunt man, who's looking for a nice head to replace his own...
dun dun dunnnnn!!!!!
Thursday, 12 November 2009
What Shall We Do With The Drunken Sailor?
Yay! The past two days I've worked on a what's turned out to be an awesome piece of course work! We had to take a traditional folk song and base a composition on that. So i chose Bonny Bobby Shafto Went To Sea and What Shall We Do With The Drunken Sailor, and ended up with a very piratey theme film music grandure-esq type piece of mayhem. And with my new software the orchestra and choirs sound reeeaaalll :D yay! 700 quid was definitely not a waste of money for my very own pocket symphony orchestra and choirs! XD

One of the elements of this piece of course work is that you have to perform a piece live. I'm gonna go dressed to my performance as Captain Jack Sparrow and sing and get the whole class to join in hehe :D
Well, hope all is dandy where you lot are x
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Friday, 30 October 2009
Waiting on the World

Me and all my friends
We're all misunderstood
They say we stand for nothing and
There's no way we ever could
Now we see everything that's going wrong
With the world and those who lead it
We just feel like we don't have the means
To rise above and beat it
So we keep waiting
Waiting on the world to change
We keep on waiting
Waiting on the world to change
It's hard to beat the system
When we're standing at a distance
So we keep waiting
Waiting on the world to change
Now if we had the power
To bring our neighbors home from war
They would have never missed a Christmas
No more ribbons on their door
And when you trust your television
What you get is what you got
Cause when they own the information, oh
They can bend it all they want
That's why we're waiting
Waiting on the world to change
We keep on waiting
Waiting on the world to change
It's not that we don't care,
We just know that the fight ain't fair
So we keep on waiting
Waiting on the world to change
And we're still waiting
Waiting on the world to change
We keep on waiting
Waiting on the world to change
One day our generation
Is gonna rule the population
So we keep on waiting
Waiting on the world to change
We keep on waiting
Waiting on the world to change
Monday, 26 October 2009
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Friday, 21 August 2009
Long Time No Sea.
Actually, there has been sea.

The other day, it was such a nice day and I had nothing to do, so I went in the sea for a swim. I treaded along the coast not being able to find a parking space until I finally got to Gorey, where I luckily fitted my ikle enterprise into a squished gap lol. I put my bag really high up, then walked into the sea only to turn around and find my bag floating away! Man the tide comes up quick.
I ran out and put it the highest I could and traipsed back down to the warm water, where I floated on my back, staring at the cloudless sky for what seemed like a life time. The sound of the sea in my ears, the breath of fresh air, the smell of salt all around me. It was nice to be alone with the water for a while, even though the beach was packed.
Today I met up with Alex. It was nice (and so cool) to spend time just me and her, laughing about nothing of particular consequence and giggling in american accents. as I sipped my white hot chocolate.
I spent some time in a field today. Lying down, looking at the clouds pass by and think how lucky I am, and so many other thoughts swirling, that were previously round my head. It was a perfect moment. Warmth, beauty... wow.

I thought I might also mention that I've been reading a very funny book that I previously mentioned in a blog at some point in history. Makes me piss myself, quite literally, then tells me how to clean it up. LOL. Sitting outside enjoying the sun and relaxing has been good news to my body. I should do it more often me thinks. Going on walks and picking fresh fruit off the trees while the sun shines down has felt so good :)
I've been totally addicted to the series of The Tudors lately. I've watched the first two series on borrowed DVD. The history is really interesting, and the love and hate I feel for the King and all the other characters is great! I find myself bowing and curtseying to people, and using the polite and royal lingo in my head. I've also been feeling very religious out of it, and have a sudden urge to go to church... yes... I know. lol! So Anne has just lost her head and Princess Mary has been made legitimate once more... I'm looking forward to the next series to be on BBC again soon :)
That's about it I think. Oh, I'll mail you tomorrow, Marina. Snailmclovin :3
Monday, 3 August 2009
this is Ben's blog, he's currently traveling europe with a couple of friends and the blogs he's written are amazing! I can't believe where's he's been already and soon he'll be heading off to venice!!! so cool! if you want some awesome entertainment, check it out :)
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Animal Rescue
me and mum saved an ikle baby hedgehog yesterday. it was caught in some netting that was wrapped around its feet and neck, its tongue hanging out and eyes bulging. the poor thing could barely breathe and we slowly and carefully cut it free. He's now asleep in our garage and we'll let him go tonight. he's so cute and loves his chin being tickled which is really sweet :)
What makes me laugh is that the animal shelter wont let us have a cat from there because apparently we'd be nasty owner because we don't let them sleep upstairs. Stu-pid-o.
Thursday, 30 July 2009
So many stars,
Fill the sky for you
I'll send a shooting star for you.
Look to the sky tonight,
And everything will be alright,
Look to stars and see,
What it means to be really free.
So many stars,
Looking down on you,
I'll send a million stars for you,
I'll send a shooting star...
for you.
Monday, 27 July 2009
"Look, in my opinion, the best thing for you to do is find a person who loves you, for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood. Ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you... The right person is still gonna think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kinda person worth sticking with."
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Ice Dance
I've just come home from watching Ice skaters from dancing on ice, sling themselves across the rink... it was totally mind blowing... one woman did the skating glow in the dark strip tease... oh yes. and another skated whilst throwing fire around herself. Wow. 
and I may as well mention old Justin from hollyoaks was there too. lol.

Aaaaaannnnddd next week I might get the chance to have lessons from the professionals and celebs themselves! I really hope i get a place, will be a once in a life time! woop :)
One Day.
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Deep Peace.
Deep peace of the running wave to you
Deep peace of the flowing air to you
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you
Deep peace of the shinning stars to you
Deep peace of the gentle night to you
Moon and stars pour their healing light on you
Deep peace of Christ, of Christ
The light of the world to you
Deep peace of Christ to you
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Urgh. I've had a shittier day than Shitty McShitterson Shit-face that ended with a fat hand and a wet ass.

A tough morning with no smiles to be had.
Left for home with a heavy heart and a heavy head.
So tired.
Spirits lifted a little with some hard work, fighting the weight with an extra set of eyes.
Start some work for nan. Not much help. Tired of waiting.
Some Hannah Montana to make me giggle, still feel so heavy.
Gotta pick up plants, slip on some stupid moss and break my fall by grabbing the spikiest plant around, but still landed on my arse in a massive puddle and now I have a swolen hand with hundreds of tiny puncher marks.
Maaann, listen to me moan :(
Lacking laughs today.
Can't wait for Harry Potter though. *girlie scream!*
So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell,
blue skies from pain.
Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?
And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?
How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have you found? The same old fears.
Wish you were here.
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Friday, 3 July 2009
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Swings and Round-a-bouts
Sometimes I look back and see how far I've come from even a couple of months ago. Although I know I still have a long long way to go, part of me looks back in amazement. New hair, brighter make up, braver fashion, new confidence in saying simple things like "no" and making up my own decisions is like a mile stone for me. "no" has always been such a hard word for me. Simple as it is. And now my left wrist is complete with a Biscuity tattoo, that makes me happy and smile. With what seems like new eyes sometimes, I look around me and see the greatest friends a girl could possibly get.. all the help I've had from the small things like "love you more" or "hello Buttonz :)" have helped me in so many ways I couldn't even begin to describe. 

So I wonder, if I was to get the "old" me, and show that me the me that I am now, I don't think I would have believed what my eyes were telling me. I wonder what's to come... wanna come play? :)
Friday, 26 June 2009
Good Riddance.
A whole night of nightmares and bad dreams, continuous wake ups in cold sweats and shakes.
But at least I woke up in the morning to find there's one less of them in the world.

Thursday, 25 June 2009
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Friday, 19 June 2009
Will You Still Love Me, In The Morning?
Did you know that today is supposed to be the happiest day of the year?
My head is filled with so many thoughts that don't even make sense to me. Kinda like a pot ready for lucky dip, with half and quarter words on tiny bits of paper that you have to tie together. It's not a bad thing. It happens every so often that so many ideas and thoughts and fragments of music fill my mind that my head seems to go into overload and shouts STOP! *breathy sigh* :)

I've been watching some more pushing daisies. The best program on TV that really struck a chord with me. A bit like the film Juno. Don't know why they work so well with my brain, they just do.
One song has been circling my head ever since Marina put it on to play the moment she stepped back into her rightful place in the front seat of the enterprise. Here are the lyrics the I hum to myself as I close my eyes to sleep, with a sleepy smile on my freckled face.
Something inside the cards
I know is right
Dont want to live
Somebody elses life
This is what I want to be
And this is what I give to you
Because I get it free
She smiles while I do my time
I could die for you
Oh this life I choose
Im here to be your only go-between
To tell you of the sights
These eyes have seen
What I really want to do is
Turn it into motion
Beauty that I cant abuse
You know that Id use my senses to
You can see that
Its only everywhere
Id take it all and then
Id find a way to share
Come along and go
Along with me
Wander with me yo
Its all for free
I could die for you
What you wanna do
Oh this life I choose
Come again and tell me
Where you want to go
What it means for me
To be with you alone
Close the door and
No one has to know
How we are
Come along and go
Along with me
Wander with me yo
Its all for free
I could die for you
What you want to do
Oh this life I choose
Monday, 15 June 2009
Friday, 12 June 2009
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Saturday, 6 June 2009
What a great day

Started off in the studio, adding things to a rock track and chatting. I then had to rush home to pick up my cousins who are staying over at my house tonight. I took the two boys, Jack and Ryan plus my other cousins Sam and Luc to Gorey for a twirly whirly ice cream, the best in Jersey. We walked on the beach for a while, until we found a small park with swings and a climbing frame.
I felt so alive as I swung up high, staring at the sky, with the sound of the sea and my little cousins laughter. The sky was bright, the air was clear, and it started to rain.

I felt like I was in some peaceful scene in a movie. You know the shot i mean. Perfect.
As the rain came down harder, we left the playground as it was on sand, to go to the green fields on the oposite side of the road. As it poured down and soaked us through, we ran around like loons playing it, sliding around in the mud and seeing who could get the best mowhawk from our soaking wet hair. It was so great. The fact that they wanted to stay out and asked if we could do it again soon made me feel so great and alive. Made me realise how much fun being with my little cousins is, all full of wonder and energy and laughter, giggling at the smallest things. I really thought, why should any one ever have to grow up, when being silly and free like a kid is one of the best feelings in the world?
I then met up with Marina, we went to the bean, first time in a long time, and just caught up on things and laughed and laughed as we sipped our drinks and she made those weird girgling noises only Marina can make lol. It's so great to have her in the front seat of my car again, listening to loud music and laughing as we drive along with the windows fully open and hands sticking out to catch the wind and sky.

Seeing the sun set and silhouette in my wing mirror was the best feeling.. so happy and warm inside, i wanted to take a picture, though it's crystal clear in my mind. the sky was so pretty. The moon so big and bright.
Took my breath away.
Cold Water, a chat with God
Cold, cold water surrounds me now
And all I've got is your hand
Lord, can you hear me now?
Lord, can you hear me now?
Lord, can you hear me now,
Or am I lost?
No one's daughter allow me that
And I can't let go of your hand
Lord, can you hear me now?
Lord, can you hear me now?
Lord, can you hear me now?
or am I lost?
oooo, I love you
Don’t you know I love you
And I always have
Will you come with me?
Cold, cold water surrounds me now
cold cold water surrounds me now
And all I've got is your hand
Lord, can you hear me?
Lord, can you hear me now?
Lord, can you hear me?
Am I lost with you?
Am I lost with you?
Am I lost with you?
Friday, 5 June 2009
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
What Day Is It?
Things have been moving so quickly over here I totally forgot to upload my video on Sunday as I've completely lost track of the days... i've got it made but it seems out of date now...
I'm trying my best to make a Mr. Blu, but its a tough job when you're making it by yourself lol, but we'll see, he'll make a return in the next couple of weeks fo sho :)
It's been lovely and sunny over here the past couple days. Today I took my lil cousins out for an ice cream and walks round St. Catherine's and Gorey, which was great :) Been spending loads of time in the studio too which has been such great fun, and hopefully the trio of Leigh, Paul and I will have some good and hopefully great news some time soon with the killer track we've been writing :)
Hope you're all doing well with exams and not shrinking away in too much revision! (HA! shouts Freddie :P love you all really and best of luck!)
Keep smilin' xxx
Monday, 25 May 2009
Remember that tank top you bought me.
You wrote 'You're Gorgeous' on it.
You took me to your rented motor car and filmed me on the bonnet.
You got me to hitch my knees up and pulled my legs apart.
You took an instamatic camera and and pulled my sleeves around my heart.
Because you're gorgeous I'd do anything for you.
Because you're gorgeous I know you'll get me through.
Because you're gorgeous I'd do anything for you.
Because you're gorgeous I know you'll get me through.
You said my clothes were sexy, you tore away my shirt.
You rubbed an ice-cube on my chest snapped me 'til it hurt.
Because you're gorgeous I'd do anything for you.
Because you're gorgeous I know you'll get me through.
Because you're gorgeous I'd do anything for you.
Because you're gorgeous I know you'll get me through.
You said I wasn't cheap. You paid me twenty pounds.
You promised to put me in a magazine on every table in every lounge.
Because you're gorgeous I'd do anything for you.
Because you're gorgeous I know you'll get me through.
Because you're gorgeous I'd do anything for you.
Because you're gorgeous our love will see us through.
Because you're gorgeous I know you'll get me through.
You wrote 'You're Gorgeous' on it.
You took me to your rented motor car and filmed me on the bonnet.
You got me to hitch my knees up and pulled my legs apart.
You took an instamatic camera and and pulled my sleeves around my heart.
Because you're gorgeous I'd do anything for you.
Because you're gorgeous I know you'll get me through.
Because you're gorgeous I'd do anything for you.
Because you're gorgeous I know you'll get me through.
You said my clothes were sexy, you tore away my shirt.
You rubbed an ice-cube on my chest snapped me 'til it hurt.
Because you're gorgeous I'd do anything for you.
Because you're gorgeous I know you'll get me through.
Because you're gorgeous I'd do anything for you.
Because you're gorgeous I know you'll get me through.
You said I wasn't cheap. You paid me twenty pounds.
You promised to put me in a magazine on every table in every lounge.
Because you're gorgeous I'd do anything for you.
Because you're gorgeous I know you'll get me through.
Because you're gorgeous I'd do anything for you.
Because you're gorgeous our love will see us through.
Because you're gorgeous I know you'll get me through.
I know you'll get me through.
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Hello, Summer :)
Here's to BBQs and skinny dipping,
Swimming in the sea,
Getting fat on ice creams
Smilin', feelin' free.

Here's to beautiful music,
fun on lazy days,
crazy marmite parties,
Walks through summer haze.
Here's to smiling broadly,
Feeling so alive,
Rides on bikes and surfing,
This summer, we shall thrive :)
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Taste the rainbow.
Following the meme, a song made out of songs. The opening lines to itunes random :)
Hello, hello, I like your smile
Do you hear me, talkin' to you?
Your voice is adrift
In the still of the night.

Raindrops and rainbows
I caught sight of my reflection
It feels right, it feels wrong
Don't look back into the sun.
Wind me up, put me down
The world is full of fools
Round, round, baby
You're the world to me.
I heard this old story before
I've got my memories
Questions so many questions
Sleep tonight, everything will be alright.
Tick tock like a clock
Maybe it's up with the stars
Something inside the cards I know is right
Your sweet hands are cold.
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Marina, Be Proud :3

Today I saved a baby snail from the perils of the sudden crush death it was due, as snails are not allowed to live in the garden centre as they eat all the plants lol... so yes, this is Gary, my baby snail who is mighty curious :) He now lives on my window sill, and is currently asleep between the granite :)
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Wasn't me it was YOU!!! :D
Ahh, amazing memories of me and Helen dancing wildly and not giving a shit at Jersey live, bestg times, best times xx
Monday, 11 May 2009
so thats the end of the Freddie Week of Mightiness!

but! goooodd neeewws! As you may have noticed, youtube swooped in to save the day and Freddie Sunday's will be on their way ;)

On a completely random note, I've noticed that my boobs have recently started to get bigger lol - I especially notice this when carelessly running down the stairs in the morning with no bra on and finding myself having to grab them in sheer shock and pain to stop them bouncing uncontrollably hahaha!
It's probably a good thing too, I could do with a new load of bras, and for once, matching underwear would be nice. lol Odd socks are cool and all but odd underwear looks a bit silly in my opinion... I guess its not too bad if its a white bra wih multicoloured pants lol. But there we are. What a loser I am, I've just had a girlie chat with myself... anyone care to join in? LOL xxx
(and NO they're not mine in the picture :P )
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Friday, 8 May 2009
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Freddie Fursday
tee hee hee and a bottle of rum :)
FULL SCREEN if you're brave...
opening music by Lydia :)
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Monday, 4 May 2009
Welcome to the Week of Fredmeisterness!!!! A whole week of Freddie Sundays, except not, seeing as sunday only comes once a week... lol enjoooyyy!!!!!! xx
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Saturday, 2 May 2009
It was Tori who introduced me to this song, on our buttonz day out at christmas... and I've been addicted ever since... My favourite line in this song tonight is "Scootch on over closer dear, and I will nibble your ear..." This is the kinda song that shouts IT'S SUMMEERRRR!!!! and makes you smile and sing and dance no matter what mood you were in before :) have a listen and smile wide people!!!
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Supposed To Be.
Maybe it's up with the stars
Maybe it's under the sea
Maybe it's not very far
Maybe this is how it's supposed to be
This is how it's supposed to be
Maybe it's trapped in a jar
Something we've already seen
Maybe it's nowhere at all
Maybe this is how it's supposed to be
This is how it's supposed to be
Looking forward as we rewind
Looking back is a trap sometimes
Being here is so easy to do
If you want to
If you want to
If you want to
If you want to
If you want to
If you want to
If you want to
If you want to
If you want to
If you want to
If you want to
If you want to...
Monday, 27 April 2009
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Friday, 24 April 2009
Today is the day I skinny dipped for the first time in my life - and it was in broad daylight in the sea. I felt very alive... but very very... numb... indeed from the sheer freezingness of it LOL
The Kiss - Danny Elfman (Milk)
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Monday, 20 April 2009
Kiss The World With Fingers Crossed.
A whole new CD, and this one song turns out to be my favourite, because of that one line. Clever music :)
"Song For No One" - Ian Broudie
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Someone Else.
Here comes another one... this is one I hadn't listened to properly until yesterday when it came up on good old itunes random. The piece fits the title so perfectly, another masterpiece from Newman. So beautiful, and really worth a listen. Please leave comments :)
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