Sometimes I look back and see how far I've come from even a couple of months ago. Although I know I still have a long long way to go, part of me looks back in amazement. New hair, brighter make up, braver fashion, new confidence in saying simple things like "no" and making up my own decisions is like a mile stone for me. "no" has always been such a hard word for me. Simple as it is. And now my left wrist is complete with a Biscuity tattoo, that makes me happy and smile. With what seems like new eyes sometimes, I look around me and see the greatest friends a girl could possibly get.. all the help I've had from the small things like "love you more" or "hello Buttonz :)" have helped me in so many ways I couldn't even begin to describe. 
So I wonder, if I was to get the "old" me, and show that me the me that I am now, I don't think I would have believed what my eyes were telling me. I wonder what's to come... wanna come play? :)
Nice post, Glad you feel happy, I wanna come pley - we gotta make some more filmage soon Button But-head!!!
* play
I like this post :D xx
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