I've just driven home in my old banger of a car that i love dearly, from a really great day spent with Thomas. On my way home, I decided to take a road I'm sure I've never been down. I don't know why... just did. The sound of choirs whirled around the dark car, and I drove down this tiny road in the country. And then another, and another. But each road I took, it some how brought me out onto a road that was easily familiar, roads which I knew well, because friends lived there. One road took me right in front of Paul's house, one outside Dave's one near Marina's...
And that got me thinking, smiling, at the fact that it's true in life. No matter which path you decide to take, how lost you get, how dark things may seem, what descisions you make... in the end, it is your true friends who will always be there, even if you can't see them.
So, yeah, it might sound cushy or what ever, but hey, it made me smile.
There are so many thoughts, so much music, swishing and slopping round my brain at the moment, I wanted to write about some of them in this blog.. but it's proving quite impossible. So instead, I shall go to bed, as I'm really very very tired, and dream, as I should dream... oscars here we come, riding in on a small, shetland pony, swords and rum in hand, dressed like pirates and stealing the show :)
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