What a great day
Started off in the studio, adding things to a rock track and chatting. I then had to rush home to pick up my cousins who are staying over at my house tonight. I took the two boys, Jack and Ryan plus my other cousins Sam and Luc to Gorey for a twirly whirly ice cream, the best in Jersey. We walked on the beach for a while, until we found a small park with swings and a climbing frame.
I felt so alive as I swung up high, staring at the sky, with the sound of the sea and my little cousins laughter. The sky was bright, the air was clear, and it started to rain.

I felt like I was in some peaceful scene in a movie. You know the shot i mean. Perfect.
As the rain came down harder, we left the playground as it was on sand, to go to the green fields on the oposite side of the road. As it poured down and soaked us through, we ran around like loons playing it, sliding around in the mud and seeing who could get the best mowhawk from our soaking wet hair. It was so great. The fact that they wanted to stay out and asked if we could do it again soon made me feel so great and alive. Made me realise how much fun being with my little cousins is, all full of wonder and energy and laughter, giggling at the smallest things. I really thought, why should any one ever have to grow up, when being silly and free like a kid is one of the best feelings in the world?
I then met up with Marina, we went to the bean, first time in a long time, and just caught up on things and laughed and laughed as we sipped our drinks and she made those weird girgling noises only Marina can make lol. It's so great to have her in the front seat of my car again, listening to loud music and laughing as we drive along with the windows fully open and hands sticking out to catch the wind and sky.

Seeing the sun set and silhouette in my wing mirror was the best feeling.. so happy and warm inside, i wanted to take a picture, though it's crystal clear in my mind. the sky was so pretty. The moon so big and bright.
Took my breath away.