The other night, for instance, I dreamt that Helen is going out with Lyle... Doesn't sound like much but they were trying to keep the fact that they were going out from me. Go out behind my back, with all my other friends knowing and not telling me. I wonder why? *shrug*.

Last night I dreamt that I got two As
and a B for my A levels. But it caused me to wake up and panic. Shit. One week. What happens if it all turns out like last year? They hate my course work, or I might think I know about Danny Elfman, but in fact I don't. Or what happens if the war books I wrote about were the wrong ones and I was blabbing about the wrong things.. or blabbing too much? What happens if I didn't write about enough scholars and put enough quotes? All my hard work, wasted for a few shitty exams and a stuck up examiner? Ah man. I find it ironic that with my ASs, I'm currently on 2 As and a B - and the B is for music. *sigh*
I'm not saying that a B is bad, because it really isn't. If I got a C in my other subjects, I would be pretty happy, because it would be the best I could do right? I got an E for physics last year, and I was happy with that, because it really was the best I could do, and that was that. But I mean, it's music. Oh God. I really really really really REALLY want that A. =(
1 comment:
Huh, that's interesting. Your subconscious must've been playing with the idea that I/she'd think that it was too soon or too sneaky or something - but yeah, I agree, not v logical. Cool dream though! I wish my brain ran matchmaking simulations :)
I'm trying not to think about next week. Not even cautious optimism - just a blank slate, JUST IN CASE.
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