The Joker, for some time, had been sending me the faces, yes just the faces, not the skull, just the skins and hair of many people that I know and like and love. All had had their mouths distorted to look as if they were smiling yet all were still recognisable. Every time I received a face, I would ask and scream what he wanted from me. And he would always answer, "nothing". He would then put the faces next to each other until there was only one spot left to finish the grand picture... his self portrait made out of all the faces.
He had managed to whittle all those people down, and figured out who the two people are that I care most about and love more than anyone else. I might not have even realised it myself, because it's not really something people tend to think about, who those two people are, but he figured it out.
"Now choose."
He stood them before me, and I asked once more, why he was doing this and what they hell he wanted from me. And in return he said "I just want to see what your character is. Now choose."
And then I some how fell asleep. I didn't wake up screaming or in a state, in fact I didn't even feel scared, I was quite relaxed. It was more like a dream with a message rather than a threat, and so I call it a dream, not a nightmare.
Today, everyone looked resplendent, and all was indeed quiet. So no bad effects and nothing to worry about. Today I was wondering, were the two people that the Joker had chosen, are they really the two people who I love most and care most about in this world? What about all the other people who I love and care about? Do I love those two people more than I love all the other people in my life? Is love just love, or is there different levels of love? It also got me thinking about what the hell I would do if that situation was to ever come along. There is absolutely no way I would ever be able to choose. Ever. I would never even think about choosing. Good job that situation isn't going to come along! It also showed me how precious people really are, and how we should keep those who we care and love close.
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