Today, I'd thought I'd post a blog about my group of friends that are known as Team Marmite and how great they all are...

It's strange that we're all going to be so far away from each other,

but not far at all. I mean Claire isn't even gonna be half an hour away from me, and I'm pretty sure that there's one of us in each corner of London, or there abouts. It will be interesting to see if we do actually meet up at all, even just for a day. And even though I know I shall miss them all, it will still be interesting to see if we all actually do make the effort to keep in touch, and still be friends. Everyone I know who's gone to uni says that we'll say that we'll meet up, but in reality, that's it now.
Sad. I really hope that we all make the effort. I don't even have to say that when it comes to Marina however. It's just a poo that we really are in the opposite sides of the UK. I'm in London, she's in Cardiff. Fun times.

We were on the phone to each other tonight, saying how we'll meet in the middle city between our two cities and go to the cinema every week like we normally do. Or take a picture of Marina, and a clip of Helen's laugh, put them on the seats next to me and feel at home in the cinema, when all my new friends will be out drinking lol :)
I don't know what it is, but I really really really don't enjoy going clubbing. Unless I'm getting really drunk lol. I get teased for preferring to go to the cinema, and called boring and pathetic etc for doing so. But yes, I would MUCH rather go to the cinema than sit in some crappy club listening to shitty music that's playing far too loud so that I have to shout down the ears of my friends or just sit there and pretend to smile. (And what a waste of money.) Probably a good thing, seeing as I want a career in film, rather than a career as a club DJ. (haha, could you see me doing that?!)

But, I don't feel alone
in that matter, as most of my friends are at the same thinking as me, especially Marina :) A night to the cinema with my friends can sometimes be the best evening of the week. We sit down, I nick Helen's food and water, we chat and laugh and comment on the adverts and how annoying the Orange adverts are. Then we watch and I listen and we all comment and laugh on various bits of the film. But we have decided that we are the best kind of people for the "cinema experience" (as the Scottish bloke would forcefully shout out the surround sound speakers),

as we are not the kind of annoying people that chat loudly all the way through the film about nothing, but we are the ones who comment quietly only in various parts of the film when we have something to say, and we laugh incredibly loudly (especially Helen) and it's always cheery and a laugh. Afterwards and before, we're always chatting loudly and having fun. What better way to spend time with your friends, which is what
going out is all about, surely? So why should it matter if going out is to the cinema, or to a club?

It goes without saying that I'm going to miss my little snail like a stave without notes. I will miss the talks, the laughs, the hysterics, the crying, the soul ripping out my chest as I blub on her shoulder, sitting in my car talking about the rain and nothing of any importance, listening to loud (and good) music, such as Real Time (what a great moment that was) or Danny Elfman in winter or POTC dressed as Pirates (that I'm now pissing myself AGAIN about)... urgh, just EVERYTHING>< ! I'm going to miss her Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! I shall be going to Spain with her how ever next summer, so that's awesome :)
I can't even begin to tell you how much I'm going to miss Helen, and the personification of the hyperbolic love hate relationship.

I'll even miss her amazing ability to make me shed my skin in fright, and wait in anticipation for the day she comes crawling down my corridor shouting, "You Broke my legs, Caroline!" in a bizarre Tennessee accent. And Alex, the coolness will never be the same again. I will miss her beyond coolness! She makes me laugh so much, and always seems to put a smile on my face, even when she's talking in her slightly irate and forceful voice! I love all my friends to pieces, and don't you bloody well forget it! So don't forget me team Marmite!!!
With Love, from your crazy, nutts and bonkers friend, the walking musical note, the one that sings in her sleep, the one that pisses coolness, Le Freddie. xx
1 comment:
I hate you sooo much Freddie!!! I'm actually sitting here, in my room with my laptop, BAWLING my eyes out. I wasn't even worried about leaving my friends but now you've made me realise how much I'm going to miss you all, especially you Fred!!
I'm crying so hard i cant actually see the screen.
I'm going to miss you too Vicky!! :D
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