Ignoring the oh so poplar answer of genitalia, what would you say is your favourite part of your body? Random you might think, but as I was sitting in my life guard chair yesterday, leaning on my hand, I was reverted back into my dining room, to a time when I was playing a particularly pretty tune on Ronald. And so, have come to the conclusion, that my hands are indeed the best part of my body. Hands are just so amazing it's quite unbelievable. You can grab and pick up things, play and create music with your hands, have the gift of touch, you can lean on them, bite them, write with them, you can swear with them, paint with them, draw with then, ride bikes with them... you can even make the live long and prosper sign with them... the list goes on and on. So today, I am incredibly greatful to have my wonderful, musical hands.
Write a blog in response if you have nothing better to do with your life, or if you have a quiet moment to appreciate your remarkable body. :)
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