Boy, I'm mighty tired! Got a song revloving round and round my head, a rather energetic multi cultural kinda irish dance piece I'm in the process of writing. My heart has been racing for the whole of today and I have no idea why, how strange.
I had a great day yesterday, going on ichat for the first time, and seeing some friendly faces that made me smile from ear to ear. I love technology, and I indeed love my mac! I have endless arguments with my house mates (who are computer scientists) about which is better, a PC or a Mac. (Lyle, stop arguing) Macs are just so much better, full stop.
So what a great day... that was until three am, when it felt like I had just managed to fall asleep, when the bloody (LOUD) fire alarm went off. Fuckin scary. Whole corridor filled with smoke, evacuating outside thinking what the hell is going on. Panic. Turns out some twats thought it would funny to let out a fire extinguisher through our bathroom window. *sigh* At least we know the fire alarms work lol. Welcome to Hertfordshire!!! *Cheesy Grin, Larger Than Life American Advert Accent*
Today was pretty good too. Started off with a two hour theory lecture. My brains fell out. (of what I had anywho). I've started to make friends with my house mates. I enjoy spending time with them and i think they're getting used to my craziness and fits of hyper activity. lol. They've even become accustomed to my odd shoes. :)
And now I'm really looking forward to tomorrow
I saw the plough at ten pm, and now I'm off to bed
I'll sing my lungs out in the morn, but now I rest my head :)
1 comment:
I don't think I've ever expressed an opinion over the PC vs Mac debate.... Even though you're right, I would stand by my fellow compsci-ers on this one :P But yeah, that's just me... I get why all you arty people dig it, but for how *I* use an OS, I prefer function over prettiness. Oh and his isn't an argument, you practically invited my opinion this time :P
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