I went from feeling bored and frustrated, to feeling more frustrated at not getting a song right, then got better when I was told to chill out lol. Dan arrived back, gave him a big hug. I spoke to friends and family on the net, and me and dan then went for a run round the rugby pitch instead of going to the pub. How odd lol. The stars were really bright and there was a beautiful full moon, so I went nutts, quite litterally to the extreme like a made dog with rabies lol. It was fun. i span round and round and round till I was so dizzy I fell on my arse in more mud and span (although still) for about 20 minutes straight! No joke. I giggled all the way through too. Dan got even more scared of me haha! We then came back in and watched the second POTC, to which I laughed my guts up the whole way through, as I remembered sitting in the cinema watching this for the first time in between Helen and Loz. Fricken awesome memories, it's making me laugh now. As I made a hot chocolate half way through, I legged it to the micro wave and shouted "SHIT! MILK BOILING OVER!" so I wrenched open the door dramatically to rescue the milk, and when I shut the door, literally one second later the "ding!" of the bell saying its ready went. We pissed ourselves laughing for about an hour after that, hence why POTC finished so bloody late haha. (it reminded me of a tori / moi physics moment)

Then off to bed, with very wierd dreams, woke up kinda early, composed, went to lectures, come back, talk to friends, and have a guy who I've spoken to about twice, profess his love for me... *cough*.
I was cooking my spaghetti, when he walked into the kitchen, said he cant sleep and cant stop thinking about me, and that he's well and truly in love with me. :S
I couldnt help but laugh. I'm very cruel.. good job I managed to contain the laughter. And good job I didn't have a mouth full of water or summit, cuz it would have been sprayed all over him. haha. poor bloke. he then went very red, muttered something and walked swiftly out the house before I could say anything. I'm not really sure if it was a practical joke or something... hmmm
I'm now sitting here with more ideas in my head, sipping my glass of milk and thinking about how the last 24 hours have seemed very surreal. (lolerskates)
Ah, and "If I had a million dollars" has just come on my itunes, yay!)
Wow, erm, well done? You seem to be making an impression...! Hopefully you'll keep us updated in this saga??
Lol!!! That is a very amusing blog! haha, sounds like mr darcy - u should nickname him darcy from now on :p also the milk thing, I swear, microwaves that go 'DING' scare the shit out of me...we have one in our kitchen..theyre so shneaky shneaky....
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