So that means either a night in watching movies by myself, or going to the LRC to do some quiet studying. Sad isn't it? Go to collage and sit in your room with no friends. I'm feeling a bit lonely right now. I'm about to reply to Marina's email, and I really really just want to go and give her a great big hug :( I found this really old picture of us at school in like year 9. Crazy stuff.
I'm also missing film night tonight :(
And my friend from down stairs has gone home for the weekend. So I think I will just sorta end up floating around for the weekend.. *sigh* At least now I've got quite a bit of work to get on with. Right now, however, I'm going to go for a run around the field outside my window, 4 or 5 laps should do me good (I can't seem to stop eating at the moment) And I think I'll go for the study option. The LRC is really calming and quiet, which gives my orchestra room to breathe and expand, whilst I tuck into a book about orchestration, theory or Danny Elfman. I'm actually in the mood for reading, which is incredibly unusual for me... lol
Oh well, I've cheered up a bit now, since the beginning of my blog. Hopefully the stars are out tonight. I have got so many stars playing gently in the back of my head. It seems to be on continuous loopback at the moment, which is really nice, as it truly is the best song i've ever heard in my life. Hopefully Marina will come and visit next weekend. That would be lovely :)
Post blog: the stars are brighter than ever tonight, even

with all the light pollution from the cities that surround. ipod blearing, I ran 5 laps and walked 4, then danced to "oh, Helen" as I smiled at the fact that she liked it :) It's nice to know that though we are all so far apart, I can still make my friends laugh. I then stretched out and collapsed in a wet and sticky pile of mud so that I could get a proper look at the stars, with "stars" blearing in my ears. Perfect. Falling into the mud was such a me and Marina moment that for a second, I could have sworn she was right there next to me. And I smiled at the fact that a group of stars form the letter "M". So now I'm going to get in the shower, as I am extremely muddy, and its spreading round my room at quite an alarming rate haha.
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