Saturday 20 October 2007

Beepbeep...beepbeep...(and it goes on FOREVER!!!)

Have you ever cooked yourself a cake? in desperate hope everything will go to plan?

Well, I have.

And everything went perfectly! The cake was all made, mixture was licked off sticky spoons, and into the oven it went...

UNTILL! the searing smearing finger-down-board sound of the little delicate "beepbeep...Beepbeep....Beepbeep...."


the sound screeches through my every being like a person continuously tapping your shoulder in a polite manor as to get your attention. *breath*

my one question to the world: Why?! Why do they INSIST on putting those little innocently annoying "Beepbeep...Beepbeeps..." in the Ovens?! I bet the inventors of these things sit away in their little cupboards devising their little torture plans whilst sniggering gleefully to themselves of the pain and anguish they will cause to many a poor person.

Why cant they just have the macho kinda "BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPS" that GRAB your attention like the school bully would grab your hair and drag you across the play ground pretending that you were their school bag? Or a punch in the face by your latest ginger friend? That SURELY is a better way of getting your attention?!

The poor food in the oven is screaming that its "a little bit hot in here", and they want to come out.... poor things. feel for thier fragile mushings that you've turned them into because you didnt hear the delicate little "Umbrige" kind of "ehem" to get your attention...


Lyle said...

Or maybe the inventors were aiming to inspire some crazy metaphors about their design. In which case, mission accomplished!

Marina said...


Helen McGuire - said...

erm, who's ur "newest ginger friend" - i'm paranoid, paranoid i tell you!!! (ps u better not have meant me!! grrrr)

Unknown said...

You're an idiot. :P