Sunday 17 May 2009

Sunday Once More...



T said...

MEOW!!!! Hahahah When you said u look like a floating head I could not stop giggling cos you really did appear to be a floating head!! lol :p

Meow shheeee meow!!! lol

You distinctly remind me of the cowardly lion from The wizard of Oz...

Who did the facepaint? It's very good!! I havnt had my regualr Freddie skype catch up in aaaaaages it feels, must do soon.

Catch ya later cat!!

Moustache Fever said...

I did the face painting ;) and yesh, we musht have that catch up darlin :) xxx

Helen McGuire - said...

ha ha i love the bit where you move your hair, and it actually looks like you have an ear!

and the only suggestion that i have for next weeks blog is - BRING BACK MR BLU!! It's been too long without him!