Thursday 29 November 2007

Shut Your BIG Mouth.

Logic - funny word that.

There are some who will completely base their lives upon it.

And when it comes to a time where logic no longer persists - they fall.

When logic has no place in a certain situation - they can't cope.

There MUST be a logical explanation for everything.

Today, I was asked what I did in my day, so I just listed:

Piano lesson, school, work, practice, perform

I asked back - and they replied:

Bus, maths test, chess, chemistry test, grind

These few short sentences showed me - gave me proof. I mean, they even included the oh so convenient BUS. The BUS - as something they did today.


"Complimentary" - apparently.

And to prove my point - when I asked "how?", they replied:

"Yeah, like, if we went on that version of who wants to be a millionaire where 2 people go on instead of one, I'd handle certain Q's and you'd do others. covering the other's weaknesses, etc"

Not everything is run by logic.

Not everything has a logical explanation.

When logic is no longer needed - you cant cope.

When logic is no longer needed - shut your BIG mouth.



Unknown said...

You are one strange person...

Das said...

au contraire most things can be eventually broken down into logical components, if a logical explanation doesnt present itself it is most often due to lack of information than the abscene of one.