Thursday 31 July 2008

Shnick Shnack Shnorum!


I just found a button that said "loop back and forth", and I just listened to myself and Ronald backwards...

Wish I could find a way to record us like that, it sounds creepily cool... and slightly german... hhhmmmm....


WOAH!!  The pool was absolutely heaving today!  There were queues all the way out to KFC to get in this afternoon!  There were queues for the tyre ride all day long and the wave machine looked like it was made from people, not water!  Busiest, but the most fun day I've had there yet =)

La Cuccaracha!

Pop's got a head like a ping pong ball, Pop's got a head like a ping pong ball, Pop' got a head like a ping pong ball, like a ping, like a ping pong ball... ping, ping ping, ping ping ping ping ping ping, PONG!

Pop's got a head like a pong ping ball,  Pop's got a head like a pong ping ball, Pop's got a head like a pong ping ball, like a pong, like a pong ping ball... pong, pong pong, pong pong pong pong pong pong, PING!

Pop's got a head like a ping pong ball, Pop's got a head like a ping pong ball, Pop' got a head like a ping pong ball, like a ping, like a ping pong ball... ping, ping ping, ping ping ping ping ping ping, PONG!

Pop's got a head like a pong ping ball,  Pop's got a head like a pong ping ball, Pop's got a head like a pong ping ball, like a pong, like a pong ping ball... pong, pong pong, pong pong pong pong pong pong, PING!

Pop's got a head like a ping pong ball, Pop's got a head like a ping pong ball, Pop' got a head like a ping pong ball, like a ping, like a ping pong ball... ping, ping ping, ping ping ping ping ping ping, PONG!

Pop's got a head like a pong ping ball,  Pop's got a head like a pong ping ball, Pop's got a head like a pong ping ball, like a pong, like a pong ping ball... pong, pong pong, pong pong pong pong pong pong, PING!...

... Yeah, you get the idea!

Wednesday 30 July 2008

La la la!

Fat people, KB, Burger bars, dancing, a little bit of Ooh OOoOh's, jokes, giggles, fighting like they do on the orbit adverts,  Oh, and some singing! 

Sounds like a successful recording session to me! =)

You Are Old. And You Are Slow.

And I. Don't. Give. A. Damn. 

Tuesday 29 July 2008


AWESOME!!  I've just found, in a washing basket of all places(!) my tickets and bits and bobs I collected from various places from my trip to the youth Commonwealth Games!!

The ticket is from Jersey to Gatwick, Gatwick to Dubai, Dubai to Singapore, Singapore to Melbourne!!!  Bloody awesome!!!  That was the most amazing trip ever, with so many great memories and swimming races and Speedo skins and great people that I met from all over the world.  Bits and bobs include a ticket to the world's first ever night time safari in Singapore and stickers and other free stuff we got given at the games in Melbourne.  Photos from everywhere and my plane tickets, oh and a tooth brush from Emirates!


A Slip Of The Hand And The Crowd Goes Red.

Bloody hell.  One wrong chord and things go tits up!  Once we finished how ever, everything seemed to reset, so I answer: "resplendent", which is indeed the truth.  But two seconds later nerves kick in again for some reason and everything goes down hill again.  Flashing... But no matter, with the help of my trusty iPod, good company and an airport, things go back to normal again pretty quickly and have remained so since.

Every time it happens though, the length of time in which it remains is getting shorter and shorter, before and after.  So that must be good news.
Don't worry, Be happy.

And Helen Joins The Ranks!

(ps. keep away from her bad jokes!)

Sunday 27 July 2008


I've just recorded my first ever acoustic piano, and I have the pleasure of it being Ronald.
Sounds bloody AWESOME!!!
I've spent ages trying to get the right levels, and seeing as I only have one microphone (thanks!), I've been trying out different positions to get the best sound.  Played around with EQ for ages and came up with a really nice reverb sound, double tracked with different EQ and reverbs on each to get a wide range and sound.  I could listen to it all night =)

Better Together.

What a lovely, chilled out song, so lovely I'd thought I'd post it as a blog! =)

There's no combination of words
I could put on the back of a postcard
No song that I could sing
But I can try for your heart
Our dreams, and they are made out of real things
Like a, shoebox of photographs
With sepiatone loving
Love is the answer,
At least for most of the questions in my heart
Like why are we here? And where do we go?
And how come it's so hard?
It's not always easy and
Sometimes life can be deceiving
I'll tell you one thing it's always better when we're together

MMM it's always better when we're together
Yeah, we'll look at the stars when we're together
Well, it's always better when we're together
Yeah, it's always better when we're together

And all of these moments
Just might find their way into my dreams tonight
But I know that they'll be gone
When the morning light sings
And brings new things
For tomorrow night you see
That they'll be gone too
Too many things I have to do
But if all of these dreams might find their way
Into my day to day scene
I'd be under the impression
I was somewhere in between
With only two
Just me and you
Not so many things we got to do
Or places we got to be
We'll Sit beneath the mango tree now

It's always better when we're together
Mmmm, we're somewhere in between together
Well, it's always better when we're together
Yeah, it's always better when we're together

MMmmmm MMMmmmm Mmmmmm
I believe in memories
They look so, so pretty when I sleep
Hey now, and when I wake up,
You look so pretty sleeping next to me
But there is not enough time,
And there is no, no song I could sing
And there is no, combination of words I could say
But I will still tell you one thing
We're better together.

Friday 25 July 2008

Mars Attacks!

So I went to Thomas' house tonight to chill and watch some films, with my friends which was great as always, and one of the films we watched was Mars Attacks, Directed by Tim Burton, music by none other than Danny Elfman.  There was one scene in particular that reminded me of something I was thinking today whilst at work.  I was on rotation on the outdoor swimming pool, and underneath the paving, on the edge of the pool, live a billion ants and flying ants.  Now, I could quite easily, if I wanted to, stand on about 50 in one go, killing them all, with no mercy, no remorse.  Now how am I to know, that those ants, may have a family and friends that love and care for them, and will now have to suffer just because I, the human being, poses the almighty word that is power to squish them?

In the film, the aliens come down to earth, and kill, for no apparent reason, millions... dads mums brothers sisters friends grandmas grandpas cousins aunts uncles...  because they can.  Because they have the technology and supreme power.  And they just don't care.  Maybe I might lay off the ants and leave them to burrow away at the waters edge as much as I don't like them after my bad experience with ants!

Just one of my many thoughts of the day!  Another thought I had today was how I hate it when people look down their nose at you, especially when they know you're in the right! (a man a the pool was being a dick head to be polite!)

Then after I almost crashed my car, I decided to lay on the roof of my Enterprise and watch the stars for a while, before coming up to write this blog. (I'm fine by the way).

Wednesday 23 July 2008


And out comes the moisturizer!

And Let There Be Light, More Blinding Than Ever Before.

Lets open this box, instead.

Tuesday 22 July 2008

Ho yo yo and a rottle of bum (pornographic rap).

What an odd 24 hours.  It started with the watching of Wall:E, and then home to bed.  I woke up in the middle of the night, after the most vividly horrible and petrifying nightmare I'd had in a long long time.  The morning was rough, bloody, tired and loud.  But when I got to work, everything seemed to calm down a bit.  Probably because I hardly know anyone there and the fact that my job involves taking care of other people's lives.  And I take that very seriously.  Everything just seemed to keep on getting better from then on.  I was smiling again by the time Rosie had turned up for shift and I was helping Andy (a very nice guy who makes me laugh a lot) to clean the mould off the pool side. (YUM). My jaw dropped to the floor when I saw a certain person having her induction to be a life guard. LOL. Oh, and my brother is back from uni. And then I got to go and pick things up from those lovely people that make me laugh and smile even if I feel completely shit. (even with a threat of the biggest can of 100% whoopass you'll ever see in your life).  And I'm also excited about the fact that my video is starting soon! I've got a screen test tomorrow, where I shall then grow (more of) a moustache.  I better not! (as much as i do suit one!) 


Wall:E - probably one of the best scores I've heard in a long time.  Practically nonstop seeing as pretty much half the film is silent.  It was such a good film, and so effective, it had everyone laughing, crying, on the edge of their seats and "awww!"ing throughout the film, and the only reason they did that was because of the music.  It's films like these that just make me wanna sac off uni and just go and get that job

Monday 21 July 2008

Gone with the wind.

I miss you.

Sunday 20 July 2008


Pudding 24. Is what reads on my favourite jumper in the world. My old nick name and my lucky number.

I was flickering through some old photos and found a picture of me on the trip that we had those jumpers made for. It was probably the best trip of my life, when we went on training camp to Paris. We went to the top of the Eiffel Tower (pictured), where me and Rosie dropped a banana skin off the top (I didn't know back then that that could kill someone. Imagine.. Death by banana skin...

We also had a day in Asterix park and a day in Disney, where me and Rosie went wild, with no fear! We all trained hard and had so much fun. The food was horrible but the pool was nice, and everything about the trip was great. Certainly a trip I'm never going to forget, twas one of the best times I've ever had in my life.

Rosie Posey and Ranting Women

*sigh* What is it with swimming pools and irate women?!
Today I had three different women shout their lungs out at me for things that were nothing to do with me. The first was when they closed the main pool (lane swimming) off for about 5 minutes whilst they lowered the floor, and a woman couldn't be bothered to wait and shouted about how it was stealing from her because she'd lost 5 minutes of swim time. Totally my fault isn't it? NOT.

The second woman was wearing shoes on poolside, which you're not allowed to do. So I asked her politely to take them off and then stand on pool side, but instead she decided to have a right raving rant at me in something like Russian... and she was VERY scary.

The third woman asked me why the tyre ride wasn't open, so I told her that we didn't have enough life guards on duty to be able to open it. She wasn't having any of it and started off on one about how she pays an annual fee and swore very loudly at me about five times to do something about it. Not only was she taking my attention away from the pool, she was having a go at me about some thing that clearly wasn't my fault!! ARGH!!!

On a better note, I'm so glad to be working with my old best friend from swimming, Rosie. My guts actually need a holiday because she makes me laugh that much! I had an hours swim after shift today, which was so nice and refreshing after a long day on poolside, and I was doing impressions of people I used to swim with, with Rosie shouting *take your marks, beeeeep!* from the other side of pool, suspended in mid air from the tank. LOL.

Saturday 19 July 2008

Splish Splosh?

Today was very frustrating.  I was stuck in my shift all day and I heard about a billion ideas for my competition piece fly past.  And I cant for the life of me remember what they were. *grumble grumble*

Otherwise, not much to report, had an irate man swearing at me today and a kid cracking his face open after doing a somersault off a non existent wall.  Good job helen's back now! =

Friday 18 July 2008

Double Chocolate and broken wrists

After an x ray that confirmed my idiocy, Claire bear and Alex are now raiding my hard drive space by making videos and taking stupid pictures!  We're now off to watch a film and chill out for a while.  yay! i'm not the only one in jersey now! woop!  Happy Birthday to Thomas! 

Thursday 17 July 2008

Oi Bitch! (no.1)

Hurry up and write a blog!!!

Tuesday 15 July 2008

Ingredients for Arse Biscuits...

One willy, half a fanny, ten bums and a boob.

After walking into work this morning and the first thing I saw was a boys full frontal pop out at me as his friend pulled his shorts down, and then a full moon across the pool, I decided to fill
the long hours by counting the number of bodily parts that popped out at me unexpectedly (meaning I wasnt looking for them lol).

It didn't take long for the other lifeguards to join in the game, and it turned into a competition to see who could spot the most of each category, lo and behold, I won. haha!

Ah great day today, didn't seem to stop laughing, and I also got thrown into the pool by my boss and the senior life guard in all my uniform... mature!! Alright for me though, I had a costume on, Chloe got thrown in with her underwear on!!

Monday 14 July 2008

Grumble grumble... I love Work.

Only now do I appreciate the tough job of a life guard.  The pool side is deadly hot, your throat runs dry and you just can't be arsed with the little buggers that enjoy NOT listening to you, no matter how many times you tell and shout at them not to do stuff.  And when they do stop what ever they were doing that was wrong, they then switch to the amusing task of "lets splash the life guard and piss her off by shouting at her and throwing toys at her too". the kind of things you can't tell them off for.  ARGH!!! after the sixth hour of a 9 hour shift, when you still haven't had your half hour break... agh.  I do actually really enjoy it how ever. LOL.  sleep time!  (ps, I have no credit, but that's awesome!)

Sunday 13 July 2008


My Feet Hurt! =(

Saturday 12 July 2008

Thrown In At The Deep End

As teaching swimming comes to an end tomorrow, I thought I'd share with you some of my favourite moments over the past two years...

My triumph when I got Stacey back for pushing me in the pool a few weeks ago.  It was last week when I got my own back on her, she was dry and I shoved her into the pool.

Watching one of my pupils bravely swim to the deep end by himself for the first time... He was absolutely petrified, but over came his fear and now swims down to the deep end confidently.  I was very proud.

When Alfie, a cute chubby kid, shouted I wanna do "good bye apple pie again!" at the top of his voice.  The week before I had desperately made up some random crap to teach them sculling that I called good bye apple pie for some strange reason to fill in the rest of the lesson.  Turned out they loved it!

Drawing my boss as a doodle in my register folder and her finding it. LOL.

Walking into work with a skirt and hi-heels on, and my colleagues asking me where Victoria had gone!  And the day after going in in tartan shorts, a waistcoat and odd shoes, and them saying "thank god we've got Victoria back again." haha.

Teaching the half turn back flip to a group of 8 boys and watching them belly flop quite spectacularly, coming up absolutely pissing themselves shouting, LETS DO THAT AGAIN!!!

Watching my favourite class swim a whole length underwater, Tom coming up blue, look at each other and start wetting themselves for no apparent reason.  And I just love that class in general.  We swim at the deep end, and the parents sit right next to us, laughing at their kids all the way through the lesson, especially when I get them to tread water and do the YMCA.

No matter how many times you get them to spread out, or how far apart you put them, children will ALWAYS swim into each other.  It's like they've got in built magnets!

A boy called Matthew, who never stops smiling, and another boy called Ben... when ever they do their own choice of jump, tis always very inventive and always makes me piss my self with laughter.

Those were just a few fond memories that stick out in my mind, but my favourite memory out of absolutely everything has got to be this one... when my favourite pupil, Anna, a tiny girl with large brown eyes, a loud mouth and confidence beyond any other kid I've taught, quite literally flew off the side of the pool when she tried her first attempt at a dive.  God, it was the funniest and most shocking thing I'd ever seen.  Her mum was in fits of laughter and so was I, I just couldn't believe the way she threw her self into the pool.  Spectacular!   

Friday 11 July 2008

Don't Look Down!!

One piece of advice to take with you on the new and exciting journey that lies ahead... What ever you do, Don't Look Down!! Keep looking forward, go towards the light (unless it looks heavenly) and fight for what you want! Believe in your self and your friends, and what ever you want, go out there and GET IT!
(and yes, those are my eyes, amazing what a brand new mac book pro can do!)

Thursday 10 July 2008



Not only is my mac feeling much better and running as fast as it should be, (woop!!!) I've now set up my very own recording station in my bedroom!!! I did a leprechaun dance in celebration - LOL. (made my mum laugh anyway!)

So now you shall never see me again, as I will disappear in to the world of composition and song writing!

But no need to worry, you might see Freddie come out into day light occasionally - my mum says I need to catch the sun a little bit, cuz I cant really get any paler...

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Super Powers! (Cue Dramatic Music in Heroic 5th's.)

As I was driving everyone home after watching Hancock at the cinema, Marina, Alex, Thomas, Big Dave and myself were talking about what Super Powers we'd have... But specialised ones (we'd all already have flying and super strength).  Big Dave answered that he'd have the power of reading women's thoughts, like in "What Women Want".  LOL.  Alex and I blabbed on about having the coolness powers, and how Marina would be Chap stick Girl to the rescue!  They told me that my power would be blaring deafening music into peoples ears.  But I disagree!

I was driving Thomas home again the other day, when he told me that his power would be to control wind.  (no, not the kind of wind that cows enjoy destroying the earth with).  As he said, he'd be able to fly effortlessly and do all sorts of crazy things to scare off bad guys and keep control of stuff.  He wouldn't even need to go shopping as he could get the stuff to fly to him! lol.  But yeah, I thought that was a really cool idea.

Anywho, I still can't think of what my specialised power would be, perhaps something to do with rain, or water.  Control of rain.  Wow that'd be cool - but not very original right?

Sunday 6 July 2008

Oh, and Happy National
Kissing Day Everyone!

If All God' People Could Be Free, To Live In Perfect Harmony...

I used to say "Oh my Freddie". It might sound moronic, but I see my God as the man that once used to walk the earth, but instead of having a full beard, wear sandals and preach about gays and holy water, he was a gay himself, had a bushy moustache and connected with the world through music and lyrics.

That's the exact reason why I love the sound of breathing in a recorded song. Proof. Existence. Life. He might live in my head as a single voice and appear to "not be real", but I know that he once was. And so I believe, that through music and legend, he still is.
So last night, I said a very long prayer. Not to the same God as most others believe in, but to my own God. Maybe, if that other God does exist, my God somehow connected with him to answer a few questions and watch over some of my friends. Most things that I asked and prayed for in that prayer, just seemed to be answered to me in some way or another today. From seeing a very unhappy friend smile this morning, and tell me that she's ok and things are working out... to knowing that another friend has found some answers, and another friend has found hope, that there's a heaven. And I hope there is one too.
It was only the third "proper prayer" (which means it excludes the ones from when I was little, asking if it wasn't too much trouble, to have a little snow the next day) I had ever taken the time to do. Victoria Rebours - Sworn Atheist, has seen the light, and found some faith, perhaps not in the conventional way, but in someone I believe to be Divine, and trust, will my soul.

Friday 4 July 2008

The Chair Is Waiting!

Kay Key K*cough* - stool
Is that piece of furniture?

That was a very Jack Sparrow comment that made me giggle for the rest of the day.  

I start my job as a life gua
rd tomorrow.  So if anyone wants a laugh, make your way down to the aqua splash from
 12 till 8:30 just to come and see me in my fetching new uniform. lol.  I've been given industrial size shorts that could fit 
about four people in them, and a t shirt so small that it squishes my boobs back into my chest. haha, ok so maybe not that small, but it is a pretty tight t shirt compared to the shorts.  any who, moving on lol  (omg an 8 and a half hour shift!!! (because the first four don't count as I'm shadowing a lifeguard) )

Jeeze, I'm gonna have to concentrate hard or find something to do tomorrow (the job description includes cleaning), or I'm gonna be zoning out for hours at a time!!!

Thursday 3 July 2008


Dribbling in the Brazilian Darkness


As you pretty much all know, I cannot stand the smell or thought of sweat being anywhere near me. (although I'm not that fussed with people I like strangely enough). Great that my parents decided to make me with an incredibly high level of testosterone, but still make me a girl, and so as a result I sweat bloody buckets... And I can't stand it. I hate it. It makes me feel sick and I can feel it crawling all over me.

Wednesday 2 July 2008

"Never Assume, Sugar Plum, Never Presume."

Two days ago I decided to get in contact with my old swimming coach, Paul, aka the moustache man...
On the way to a recording session, I dropped a letter and a CD with some of my orchestral work through his letter box, and a day later, I get a phone call.

We're going to meet up soon, and I really can't wait. There's so many things I want him to know, and so many things we need to catch up on. I owe that man so much, and I still love him to pieces and look up to him like I always have. It's crazy to think that we saw each other everyday, twice a day for all those years, yet haven't spoken in over two years... So I shall switch back to my old and wonderful life that was swimming, just for the day... and then switch back to my even better new life. la la la!

Tuesday 1 July 2008

La La La La Shake Thunk Ow!

WOW. My first ever blog post (160) on my brand new MacBook Pro. I'm chuffed with a smile the size of my uncle's butt cheeks. And that's pretty big!!

Today has been a bit of a roller coaster ride... in the good sense. Nerves, excitement, feeling slightly sick and lightheaded (due to some evil chili and and nice knock on the head).

I'm also going to use this post to put down my thoughts. This weekend, three of my friends who I don't normally sit down with just the two of us, have all told me how easily they feel they can talk to me... Which made me feel really nice. And guys, ditto to you all =)
I just want you all to know, that if ever you need someone to chat to about everything and anything, I shall always be here, and you can know that I will never ever tell another soul if you don't want me to... I wont even tell Marina.

LOL I was sitting here writing this blog and on comes an advert down stairs (yes! DOWN stairs!) for McDonald's. I legged it down stairs to see what it was form because it just happened to be playing mine and Tori's rooster song! woop!

I'm now off to do some ironing (fun) and try to complete some lyrics for a song I'm writing. Good night to you all, sleep well and here's to an even brighter tomorrow!