Sunday 20 July 2008

Rosie Posey and Ranting Women

*sigh* What is it with swimming pools and irate women?!
Today I had three different women shout their lungs out at me for things that were nothing to do with me. The first was when they closed the main pool (lane swimming) off for about 5 minutes whilst they lowered the floor, and a woman couldn't be bothered to wait and shouted about how it was stealing from her because she'd lost 5 minutes of swim time. Totally my fault isn't it? NOT.

The second woman was wearing shoes on poolside, which you're not allowed to do. So I asked her politely to take them off and then stand on pool side, but instead she decided to have a right raving rant at me in something like Russian... and she was VERY scary.

The third woman asked me why the tyre ride wasn't open, so I told her that we didn't have enough life guards on duty to be able to open it. She wasn't having any of it and started off on one about how she pays an annual fee and swore very loudly at me about five times to do something about it. Not only was she taking my attention away from the pool, she was having a go at me about some thing that clearly wasn't my fault!! ARGH!!!

On a better note, I'm so glad to be working with my old best friend from swimming, Rosie. My guts actually need a holiday because she makes me laugh that much! I had an hours swim after shift today, which was so nice and refreshing after a long day on poolside, and I was doing impressions of people I used to swim with, with Rosie shouting *take your marks, beeeeep!* from the other side of pool, suspended in mid air from the tank. LOL.


Anonymous said...

good to know someone else had a bad day :0

Moustache Fever said...

heh, yup!