Tuesday 8 July 2008

Super Powers! (Cue Dramatic Music in Heroic 5th's.)

As I was driving everyone home after watching Hancock at the cinema, Marina, Alex, Thomas, Big Dave and myself were talking about what Super Powers we'd have... But specialised ones (we'd all already have flying and super strength).  Big Dave answered that he'd have the power of reading women's thoughts, like in "What Women Want".  LOL.  Alex and I blabbed on about having the coolness powers, and how Marina would be Chap stick Girl to the rescue!  They told me that my power would be blaring deafening music into peoples ears.  But I disagree!

I was driving Thomas home again the other day, when he told me that his power would be to control wind.  (no, not the kind of wind that cows enjoy destroying the earth with).  As he said, he'd be able to fly effortlessly and do all sorts of crazy things to scare off bad guys and keep control of stuff.  He wouldn't even need to go shopping as he could get the stuff to fly to him! lol.  But yeah, I thought that was a really cool idea.

Anywho, I still can't think of what my specialised power would be, perhaps something to do with rain, or water.  Control of rain.  Wow that'd be cool - but not very original right?

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