Saturday 12 July 2008

Thrown In At The Deep End

As teaching swimming comes to an end tomorrow, I thought I'd share with you some of my favourite moments over the past two years...

My triumph when I got Stacey back for pushing me in the pool a few weeks ago.  It was last week when I got my own back on her, she was dry and I shoved her into the pool.

Watching one of my pupils bravely swim to the deep end by himself for the first time... He was absolutely petrified, but over came his fear and now swims down to the deep end confidently.  I was very proud.

When Alfie, a cute chubby kid, shouted I wanna do "good bye apple pie again!" at the top of his voice.  The week before I had desperately made up some random crap to teach them sculling that I called good bye apple pie for some strange reason to fill in the rest of the lesson.  Turned out they loved it!

Drawing my boss as a doodle in my register folder and her finding it. LOL.

Walking into work with a skirt and hi-heels on, and my colleagues asking me where Victoria had gone!  And the day after going in in tartan shorts, a waistcoat and odd shoes, and them saying "thank god we've got Victoria back again." haha.

Teaching the half turn back flip to a group of 8 boys and watching them belly flop quite spectacularly, coming up absolutely pissing themselves shouting, LETS DO THAT AGAIN!!!

Watching my favourite class swim a whole length underwater, Tom coming up blue, look at each other and start wetting themselves for no apparent reason.  And I just love that class in general.  We swim at the deep end, and the parents sit right next to us, laughing at their kids all the way through the lesson, especially when I get them to tread water and do the YMCA.

No matter how many times you get them to spread out, or how far apart you put them, children will ALWAYS swim into each other.  It's like they've got in built magnets!

A boy called Matthew, who never stops smiling, and another boy called Ben... when ever they do their own choice of jump, tis always very inventive and always makes me piss my self with laughter.

Those were just a few fond memories that stick out in my mind, but my favourite memory out of absolutely everything has got to be this one... when my favourite pupil, Anna, a tiny girl with large brown eyes, a loud mouth and confidence beyond any other kid I've taught, quite literally flew off the side of the pool when she tried her first attempt at a dive.  God, it was the funniest and most shocking thing I'd ever seen.  Her mum was in fits of laughter and so was I, I just couldn't believe the way she threw her self into the pool.  Spectacular!   

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