Sunday 6 July 2008

If All God' People Could Be Free, To Live In Perfect Harmony...

I used to say "Oh my Freddie". It might sound moronic, but I see my God as the man that once used to walk the earth, but instead of having a full beard, wear sandals and preach about gays and holy water, he was a gay himself, had a bushy moustache and connected with the world through music and lyrics.

That's the exact reason why I love the sound of breathing in a recorded song. Proof. Existence. Life. He might live in my head as a single voice and appear to "not be real", but I know that he once was. And so I believe, that through music and legend, he still is.
So last night, I said a very long prayer. Not to the same God as most others believe in, but to my own God. Maybe, if that other God does exist, my God somehow connected with him to answer a few questions and watch over some of my friends. Most things that I asked and prayed for in that prayer, just seemed to be answered to me in some way or another today. From seeing a very unhappy friend smile this morning, and tell me that she's ok and things are working out... to knowing that another friend has found some answers, and another friend has found hope, that there's a heaven. And I hope there is one too.
It was only the third "proper prayer" (which means it excludes the ones from when I was little, asking if it wasn't too much trouble, to have a little snow the next day) I had ever taken the time to do. Victoria Rebours - Sworn Atheist, has seen the light, and found some faith, perhaps not in the conventional way, but in someone I believe to be Divine, and trust, will my soul.

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