Wednesday 14 January 2009

Satan's Satanic Sack...

What a day... from the pits to the skies.
I've just finished talking to Felix and Alex about next year housing, the other Alex is in too... and they all agree on a spare room depending on rent and what we can find, so good news to finish the day off.

oh, and
Screw You Time And Space! 
For I Am The Pirate Queen And The Realm Of Dreams Is Mine To Command!!!
The Good Bad Balance Is A Load Of Bollards, And The Darkness Is Just The Sun Giving The Moon And Stars A Chance To Shine...


Buttonz, you make me smile
Sleep well world, Freddie loves you all, very much.

Traa Laaaa... video should be up tomorrow guys, tis processing as we speak :)

1 comment:

T said...

Buttonz u make me smile immensely also, lol, Lets hope those stars are there to show us what they've got when we return to Port Jersey!!!! That was such a hopeful and positive quote, nicely done, uv put an even huger smile on my face than I had before :D
