Sunday 21 December 2008

All The Marmitey Goodness A Girl Could Need...

Ahh, what a birthday that was...
Started off getting my hair dyed and cut, which was much needed!  Then into town with my nan to get food for her chicken and other bits that she needed.  I also bought myself a tail for my cat out fit.  We then went on to the whole family photo shoot for my nan and pépére's golden wedding present.  It was nice to see all the family again, laughing and chatting and generally being the nutters we always are when we're all together :)

I then drove off to the co-op to buy pizza and fizzy drinks for my friends, rushed home and started to get dressed up and the little black cat from aristocats.  The look on Thomas and Dave's faces as they came around the corner to see my face painter half black was so funny.  One by one team marmite reunited itself, and it was like we had never left, which was awesome in so many ways.  We played 40 40 in the dark, which was SO much fun and funny, hyperness spread itself pretty quickly lol.  The first time we hid, Thomas and I hid in the shadow of one of the hedges, so we could see everything that was going on, but the counter couldn't see us because of the light behind us.  Thomas got pretty confused at how she couldn't see us, but she walked straight past us and we legged it to the den to tag ourselves in.  Watching Big Dave run across the lawn really obviously and not get caught was probably one of the funniest things I'd seen in a long time.   We played the Hokie Kokie hahaha!  Oh how I've missed Helen's laugh... (she loved her present by the way lol)  We also watched a very rude pantomime called Sinderella, in which the main character was called Buttons, which was funny in itself seeing as me and Tori call ourselves Buttons lol.

I have also got given probably the best presents ever this year.  A melodica, a harmonica, Freddie figurine, an AKG C1000S (in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?), awesome tshirts, some posh smellies and a Where's Wally Poster....  just totally awesome, so thank you very much guys :)

I can;t believe I'm going to Disney tomorrow...! yay ^^

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