Thursday 11 December 2008

How Harmoiniously Harmonisingly Harmonious!

As I listen to my itunes random, I find myself unconsciously singing what ever harmony pops into my head, even if I don't know the song that well, or the lyrics, I'll just pick the tune up and hum what ever harmony pops into my head, sometimes with absolutely no thought.

Which totally ROCKS!

Yet, when I'm asked to write harmonies for somebody or something, I often jam and cant think of anything.

Which totally SUCKS!

But yeah... sorry about the randomness of the blog... I'm incredibly excited and hyper right now... so hyper, I've gone a complete clean up attack of neatness, cleaning every corner and cupboard of my room, so that I'm certain nothing will rot over the Christmas season, so that I come back to find my walls all furry and vines growing out of them LOL!

The moon and stars are incredibly pretty and particularly bright tonight, probably due to the greatness of the day
 =^-^= (meooow!)

Freddie will be coming  HOME!!!....


Marina, RING ME NOW!

1 comment:

Marina said...