Sunday 7 December 2008


T said...

Omg fred I love u so much lol Is it just me or have u picked up a different accent?? A little posh maybe...don't get me wrong u still sound as mental as normal though - thats a relief. Oh......OH! I MISS U SO MUCH!!
I may add a video to my blog...i do have a good one that is quite insignificant but amusing ;D

Cant wait to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxx

Moustache Fever said...

I listened back to that video, saying, weird, I changed my accent for that... but not, I dont actually sound like that at all... my friend alex was like, why the hell are you talking like that, when I showed him the video haha - but yeah, weird huh? i MISS YOU TOOOOOOOOO!!! happy feast day btw ;-)

not long now! xxxxxxxxx