Monday 15 December 2008


Amazing what five minutes of relaxing in a pretty non stop day does to you.
I was totally wide awake an hour ago.  Then I decided I had 5 or so minutes to close my eyes and sit in the dark and listen to soft music, whilst rocking gently on my chair. I turned off the noise on skype from people trying to get me to allow them to copy my work that they should have done when they went along the course too.  So I thought bollocks.  Switched it off, and off I went to my favourite place in the whole wide world.  lost in music.

And now I'm thinking that was a bad mistake.  All I want to do now is go to bed.  Im just so so so so so so so tired.  hmm.  Oh well.  I shall glue my eyes open and study a bit more seeing as it's only 8pm. 

Or maybe I'll just close my eyes, and drift off for a while.  

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