Thursday 14 August 2008

Catch Me If You Can!

Wow.  Quite overwhelmed actually!  I found out that Hertfordshire had accepted my place at about half 7 this morning, after waking up every hour to check the bloody thing... I did my leprechaun dance in celebration as my heart leap out of my chest, I was so excited.  I didn't care what grades I got, point was, I got in.  
But then nerves kicked in along with excitement as I realized once more that I do in fact care very much about what grades I got.  One A and 2 Bs... A for RS believe it or not!! (isn't that ironic).  I was incredibly happy with my RS and English results as they were better than I'd hoped for.  As for music tech, I got a B, which I'm really happy with too, but if I'm honest I can't say I wasn't a little disappointed that the piece of paper didn't have that particular vowel on it, but at the end of the day, it's only a piece of paper.  B is bloody good and there's no way I could have worked any harder in that subject, so no point in being anal about it all!  

Wow, I'm off to college to become a famous film composer! hehehehhahahaahahaaaaa!  Watch out world! Here I come!!!  A huge big thank you to all who made that possible.  Here's to the greatest teacher on earth! =)

Also, well done to all my friends, A level and AS level, you all did really well and I'm incredibly proud of all of you!

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