Sunday 17 August 2008


The great thing about being young is that I don't suffer from hangovers lol.  Thank God my internet cut out last night, I was about to publish a drunken post that is rather (not embarrassing) but I dunno... something I'm shy about.  lol.   
I went out last night completely forgetting that I hadn't eaten since breakfast that morning (at about 8:30), went to the cinema swearing to get a KFC when I got out, but completely forgot, had a couple of drinks and they went straight to my head. woops!  Oh well, twas a good night after all!

A note to Marina, I have bright orange hair!  hahahahahaha, it's short as well!  Helen said i definitely can't call her ginger now haha (I'm still going to, of course) ;-)

1 comment:

Lyle said...

Ah, that's the mistake I made last Thursday - my last meal that night was a lunch, and I felt the affects all right... Not quite as bad as 8.30, but it was the first time I did feel a bit hangovery when I woke. Although to be fair I guess it could've been how I slept?

Also nice hair. and t-shirt! Yay for the Threadlessness :)