Monday 5 May 2008

IIIIIII'mmmm An Idiot! (like the Grinch)

Ok, so I'm very renowned for mixing the first letters of words up with the next word along. The best one for a while was the "I'm so sweat and hotty" one that made Marina laugh her head off for about ten hours straight. (and she still laughs now). Then the other day I came out with another completely stupid one (can't remember what it was) that made Marina AND Cecil giggle non stop whilst watching me spit my pot noodle out in desperate hope of catching my breath after not believing how stupid I was to say such a thing.

But then tonight, I topped it all really. There was some pop corn being passed round my family (my grand dad's birthday) and I said out loud "Can some one please pass me the cock porn?" *Oh cock*... I mean chicken.

There was also the alphabet incident in my English lesson last week. We had some how got into the topic of the picture alphabets that every kid sees in primary school. (as you do). And so, we were saying what pictures went with what letter.. A for Apple, B for Books, C for Cat etc. Then we got to the letter 'J' and I said "oh yeah, they always had a giraffe for J." *sigh*.


gwailoleigh said...

Nice one!!! The out takes in the studio will be great.
Mc Nuggets all round

Marina said...

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. Ow my stomach...oh god i so needed that. (ACTUALLY sick this time, not just skiving. had to happen sooner or later. meeeh.) lololol. Giraffe. LOL. Oh man. Cock porn...I would pay to have been there. We would have laughed for two months straight.
Loool...aaahh, Freddie. What would I do without you?
...Cock porn! Ah!
Were you there for the ‘penis aerobics’ talk? Derived from the dubious programs Claire watches. She says it’s not porn but...
I wonder.
(heheh...cockporn...mmmm, microwavable!)

Little Red Belly Dancer said...

Lol, Freddie, Freddie, Freddie...Cock porn >.< Oh dear. And that 'penis aerobics' incident marina is talking about was so funny. Like; "It's not what it looks like! I'm exercising!" :P