Tuesday 3 June 2008

hmmmm hm hmm hmmmmm *humming a beautiful tune*

Ok, so I was playing my *in tune* piano (!) and had another thought as I was playing any old crap that my fingers would play.

Most people ask others, what animal or being they would like to come back as if there was such a thing as reincarnation. Well, what happens if I was to ask you to come back as something you're much more likely to come back as.

Technically, we will all become a part of a tree in our life, whether we're buried or cremated or whatever, we'll rot and things will grow on us, and perhaps, a tree will be made out of your skinny remains. So what happens if we were to be reincarnated as a musical instrument?

What instrument would you be, and what instrument do you think I, and others, would be? And more importantly, why?

There's a blog for you all to do!


Little Red Belly Dancer said...

I'm gonna kinda cheat out of doing the blog and just answer here :P mainly cos i can only think of what you'd be lol. You'd be a piano, for sure. When we were in the church and you were just playing, it was like, a really amazing experience, you were just really flowing with the music, even when you were just making it up on the spot :D

Marina said...

This is really hard. I can’t think of enough of them so I’ll cheat as well and reply here and when I think of more I’ll do a post!
Firstly, Helen. She would be a saxophone. One big, ginger, bass saxophone and that’s that. XD
Cecil...one of those snake-charming flute things. :3
I can’t disagree with Cecil about you being a piano but... I dunno. I feel like something is missing, like it’s too cliché or something, so I’m gonna say that your outer layers can be something else but your soul is a worn and beautiful Rainstick. (btw wouldn’t it be nice to have a song that only had rainsticks and bells?)
Aaand as for me, I have no clue. But I like the idea of being a violin just to be cradled between a person’s chin and shoulder. I would be a violin just for that moment when they lean their cheek against it and close their eyes and really feel it...
And you have to do your own meme, missy!