Friday 27 June 2008

Shine, Shine, Shine...

Laughing and joking, smiling and not crying... leavers mass was good so far.

Then the moment came, when it became perfect. There's not really many things you can call perfect in this world, but that moment was.


The tears came flooding down, and I needed Marina to practically hold me up, as she squeezed my hand. I can't really describe how I felt in that moment in time. In fact there are no words at all. I tried to look up at you, and when you looked back, it was kinda like having my soul set completely and uterly free. You shone like I've never seen anyone shine. It might sound stupid or what ever, but I was so proud.

It was probably one of the most beautiful things I had ever heard and listened to in my life. I'd give anything to go back to that moment. It was even greater and more perfect than the first time I heard Danny Elfman's music.

I can still hear it perfectly in my head.

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