Sunday 29 June 2008

I Guess I'll Carry The Friends Theme On...

Last night was the second of three parties that this weekend has to offer. It was really chilled out with my friends from physics, guys who I haven't really spoken to in a while, but when back together we all get on like a house on fire.

It was really great that it was just Alex from my group of friends that was there with me too. That's not to say that I didn't want the rest of my group there either of course! But she came along, because she's Ed's girlfriend, and was pretty much the first time that we sat down just the two of us and chatted about everything and anything. And it was really nice =)

It's funny, even though we're really close friends, I guess I didn't realise how close we really are until last night. We've never really sat down just us two, there's always been other girls from our group there with us. So having the chance to actually chat, and laugh together was really great.

I'm really looking forward to Methini's party tonight too. I love that girl to pieces and there's just something different about going to her house than my other friend's houses. I get a really nice kinda cosy feeling... an "at home" feeling when I go to hers.
What would we all do without friends? I've been told by many that all my friends will all say we'll keep in touch, but apparently that's never going to happen. Perhaps just one if I'm lucky. But I really really really want to keep in touch and make the time and effort to meet up with them all. Even if it's just once a year. I honestly can't imagine life without them, even though we're all moving in completely different directions. Glue together Team Marmite!!!

1 comment:

Lyle said...

I guess it's safe to mention this here, none of my friends in question frequent here AFAIK:

At some point last year I realised the Grinders were going to break up, and it'd be very difficult to get everyone together again, with the same spirit as before. I was really looking forward to seeing Rory yesterday actually, his online presence is the worst out of all of them and thus I've had least contact with him... But he was out with his new girlfriend - so it goes. But yeah, at this point when I realised what was coming, I wrote an email about how I felt about them all and the thing we had, and basically that I loved all of them. Then I sent it into the future, by about 4 or 5 years I think, just so that they'll all receive it and hopefully remember the awesomeness that ensued in that place, and even more hopefully prompting a reunion. I very much believe that things like this should be remembered and cherished, which is why I've also promised myself to take more photos, even of tiny little events so long as they're special and remembrance-worthy :)