Monday 2 June 2008

Verbal Constipation

So, I'm not particularly good with words, and I'm especially crap at saying what I want to say at a particular moment in time. I don't know why, but the words seem to sit on the end of my tongue but refuse to come out. I can quite literally feel them hanging there.

I then find it difficult to say what I wanted to in the first place after the particular moment, because I'm either worried it won't mean as much, or feel unreal or something like that to the other person, or like I'd had to think about what to say, which, most of the time, isn't the case.

So, just to let you know, that these words were sitting on the end of my tongue at that particular moment in time:

"It's good to be back" and I wouldn't trade it for all the biscuits, gold, grand pianos, orchestras (or a (freak) meeting with Freddie Mercury) in the world.

1 comment:

Lyle said...

You know, I'm sort of the same. If something good or important is happening, I'll be trying to focus on so much of the detail regarding the event that it's like the background noise is turned up, and the kind of thoughts I should be saying aloud get lost behind static.

It's tends to suck when you think back after the event, when things are clearer, and you SO should have said or done something that would have meant so much... It's sort of a L'esprit de l'escalier I guess.