Friday 12 September 2008

Ding Dong Freddie's Getting High!

(To be sung to the tune of Ding Dong Merrily on High)

My golly!  It feels like Christmas in my house!

My whole family from my mum's side (that's quite a lot of people) are all coming up for dinner tonight!  Even some French family are coming!  We're going to be eating in the dining room, with all the posh crockery and everything.  We've even got the Christmas crackers out!! *shakes head*  Five course meal... Starter, soup, lovely roast, cheese and a selection of puddings.. mmmm yummy...

The meal how ever is happening right next to Ronald, with my little cousin with sticky fingers going to be sitting right next to him...  dooms day for Luc if he dare touches my precious Ronald!! lol!

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