Tuesday 30 September 2008

Heart in Herts.

So here I am!
The first thing that was said to us when me and my fellow students entered the first MCCT talk was "hello Composers!"

Wow. I'm a composer, and get called so every day.

I arrived and found it very hard to make friends and to fit in. Odd shoes, a figurine of an R1, Star Trek and orchestral music... I'm not your average joe girl, and people didnt seem to like that. I have settled in a bit more now, having spent the evening with my house mates last night, which was nice, and we all get on. But no one seems to be quite.. erm, wierd enough for me yet? I'm sure i'll meet the right group soon thought. Today was much better. We had a composition session today, where people from both courses got to stand up and show every one their compositions and talk about themselves and their music. Everyone was so different and all at such a high standard of what i've heard so far. I was only one of two today who played an orchestral movement rather than other more pop styles today, but i've had loads of people come up to me and talk about it and tell me how much they liked / loved the composition! Which made me shake even more lol. Man, I was nervous. But it's over and I'm glad I had the gutts to get up and do it. I got asked lots of questions about it and stuff, like how we did it, how we recorded it, what the influences were (to which I might have mentioned a tutu) and things like that. that helped me to meet alot more people, pepole who i think I'm much more likely to get on with! There's only two girls on my particular course, including me!

Last night I looked up to the heavens at 10 pm, and was comforted to think that other people might be doing the same thing. I also heard the best and greatest song I've ever heard in my life last night. And I hung out my window in the cool breeze to see the plough shining through, the song blearing in my ears. No words can describe...

I miss my piano so much. I miss so many people so much, and at times I'm finding it so hard. I hope it keeps on getting better and better, and now I cant wait to start my course! but for now, I shall stop the non stop drinking (lol not quite :P ) and got to bed, cuz I havent slept a bloody wink since being here! night everyone, can't wait till friday...

1 comment:

Lyle said...

Hello! You cropped up in a dream last night: I was returning something to school, and you were next door playing piano (of course), one of your originals and I said hi when you'd finished:
L: "That sounded lots like...." [thinking of an alternative artist to the one in mind]
F:"Regina Spektor?" :P
L:"Yeah, actually! A lot like her unreleased stuff."

Hope you meet some weirdos soon :)