Thursday 4 September 2008

Home sweet home

So I got to go to school this morning.  It was so nice to be able to sit in the courtyard at 7:40 and just stare for a while.  Then Lucas came down looking all smart and cute in his new DLS uniform, shortly followed by Mr. Saunter who showed me the new music room in all its glory.  Looks very good I must say, especially the guitars on the window sills.  

I sat and composed a couple of choir lines, before entering the oh so scary staff room!! DUN DUN DUN!!!  It was actually one of the scariest moments of my life, walking up to the door of which I'd normally stand out side.  My heart actually began racing I was that nervous... then I walked in to see friendly and familiar faces all smiling, and it wasn't that scary at all.  Just wrong and wierd lol.  Bit like calling teachers by their first names, my brain just can't cope!  I sat at the "pub table" and drank hot chocolate, talking to Mr. Tully, Mr and Mrs Saunter and my Aunty Cooper.  It was all very cool bananery, but wierd.

Getting a little worried about my grade certificate, because if I don't have it soon, I won't get into uni :S   (ps, I honestly wasn't trying to put blame on anyone!  Just trying to recollect what the hell I did with the bloody thing! :(  sorry if it sounded like that)

I then got a summon home, where I now have to do more ironing.  The joys.  Doctors tomorrow, get this bloody cold sorted out and then have the video shoot to look forward to, whether it's this week end or next. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You were scared.I have to go in every day!!