Friday 5 September 2008

Oh How I Wish I Hated School.

......Discombobulations. Point is, I don't. I love it. Sometimes I ask why can't I just be like everybody else, and rejoice the fact that school is finished? I feel there's just so much left to do and say, but my stupid excuse of brain mashing is pretty persistent. gah. Even the mac was screaming "you don't belong here!" when it refused to mix down individual choir tracks properly. *sigh*
Isn't it amazing, how after I've been struggling all summer to come up with anything decent to write for the student composer of the year competition, I walk into school, hear a great song that gave me shivers and made me smile, (and have got the tune stuck in my head) then I sit down in the studio, and two seconds later I've practically planned out the whole composition?
I left school this morning with a post it note with quickly scrawled down notes of the short piece that I shall now play in at home.
Before I wrote this blog, I ranted and blubbed and questioned time and all the other useless things that are pointless in questioning in a different blog. I either want time to stop, or speed up. Keep me here, or let me go to uni. I'm through with all this waiting around, because each week, day, minute, second seems to get harder and harder and harder.

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